The graduation

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Days passed with joy. Soon the graduation day came, where the raven graduated while the blonde cheered for him. The day came, where he needed to be with his big brother, helping him. Well, about Itachi. He hadn't told him yet that that he is dating.

The raven woke a little more earlier then usual and looked at the sleeping blonde Blonde next to him. He went to his drawer and took out a tiny box. He opened the box and took out a micro sized chip. The chip worked as a gps tool. The raven connected it with his phone. He put the chip again in the box and kept it in his pocket. He went to take a shower then prepared breakfast.

Soon, the blonde woke up. She went in the bathroom for a shower. The raven placed the food on the dining table. After sometime, she came out in her robe. She  shrugged the door behind her leaving it a little open.

The blonde removed the robe from her bare body and took out her clothes. She slip up her panties. Then, came the hard part. She always struggled while wearing the bra and who knows how but the raven seemed to know it. She was struggling to get the bra on the right hook but no...

She stilled when she heard a knock on the door.
"Need some help?" She heard the raven's voice.
She thought about it for sometime, it won't hurt if I asked for help, afterall he is my boyfriend... then said. "Please..." She heard the raven chuckle. The raven came in and the blonde blushed.

"Ano... W-would you please help me with the...
B-bra" she stuttered shyly

"Why not? That's what boyfriend's are for"
The blonde sighed. The raven secretly put the chip under her bra hook and clasped it his eyes were not on her back at all or he would've noticed something more. He was looking at the mirror while doing so... While the blonde was blushing

"thank you... I always struggle with it a lot"
"You can always tell me" said the raven, placing his head on the crook of her neck and wrapping his arms around her waist. The blonde blushed. They both looked at their reflections in the mirror. A smile came on both of their lips... Soon, they pulled apart. The blonde got dressed and ate the breakfast with the raven.

The raven dropped the blonde at her college and left for the Uchiha Corporations. He sighed and entered the huge building. Everyone smiled and bowed at him. He just nodded. He knocked on his big brother's cabin door. "Come in" the raven entered the big room. Itachi looked up from his papers and smiled at his little brother. "Ohh, welcome Sasuke. Take a seat" the younger raven sat on the chair in front of Itachi.

The long haired Uchiha told the boy about the business. Most of the things, the raven already knew. So, it was easy for him to understand and on top of that, he was a quick learner, giving him the advantage. He got all the things in no time... It wasn't this much complicated specially for someone as smart and sharp as him. Itachi was quite proud of his brother but didn't showed it.

Itachi brought Sasuke to his new cabin. Sasuke liked the room.

It was just like him, dark and mysterious

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It was just like him, dark and mysterious...
"I Take it as you like it..."

"I do"

"I'll send some papers, then there's a meeting. I won't load you this much as it's only your first day. Make sure to present yourself well in the in the meeting... I don't think, I need to say anymore..."

"You don't, I'll manage it myself"

"Good" with that being said, Itachi left the cabin closing the door behind him.

Sasuke sighed, he opened the files and completed them. He made a presentation for the meeting which took a few hours and here he was all ready. Confidence was a thing he didn't lacked and it was all what it took.

The people in the meeting were dumbfounded by the young Uchiha, it was just his first day...
Everyone seemed to respect him well enough.
Some were impressed by his speech while some certain female employees were taken away by the the raven's good looks.

Itachi seem to know it well. He chose a assistant for him, which was luckily not a fangirl. "Sasuke, meet Ino, she'll be your assistant from today" "hn"

"Yamanaka Ino desu, I hope we work well together"


Ino already had a boyfriend. So, she didn't seem to find the raven that attractive.

"Uchiha-sama, we'll start working together. I look forward to it" 


The day ended soon and the raven left the building. He looked at his watch to see it was almost time for the college to end. He looked at his phone to see the location of the blonde. Luckily she she was still in the college. He soon came in front of the college building to see the blonde waiting for him. He dialled her number.
The blonde answered the phone.

"Hai"  he smiled hearing her angelic voice...


"*Chuckles* where are you, Sasuke-kun~"

"Not that 'kun' please..."

"Okay, okay... But where are you?"

"Look up infront of you"

The blonde looked in front of her to see the raven in his car. He waved at her, she smiled.
She came over the road. He came out of his car, and carried her in his arms suprising her. He sat her on the seat beside him.

"Soo... How was your day?"

"Quite easy, what about you?"

"I'll be skipping the year in two months, it's too easy..."

"Yeah, yeah, anything's easy for my Naru" said the raven as he lightly pulled her cheek.

"If the 3rd year is easy too... Then I'll be skipping it too..."

"As my princess wishes..."

Guys! Today's my birthday so, here's a update so you all can enjoy too... Bye!!!

And thank you for 1 k views!!♥️

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