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"I still have doubts about you, Uchiha" Tsunade Commented on the Uchiha who was leaving the hospital with her goddaughter.

"Baa-chan, there's nothing to worry about..."
Said the blonde trying to convince the older blonde that she was in the right hands and the raven was the right person for her...

"You're the one to talk, Narumi?... How long has it been since you've been dating him without telling me anything?"

"Well... We both got together on last Christmas Eve..."

"Last Christmas Eve! It's almost going to be a year!!"

"Sorry, baa-chan..."

"Whatever, now leave before I change my decision!"



Narumi was looking around the apartment when Sasuke called out her name. She looked at the source of the voice and smiled. "It's been quite a few days, isn't it?" She spoke.

"Yeah, it has been... So, about the breakfast. What do you want?" Sasuke asked

"I can cook-"

"Yes, you can but you won't... Right? Your baa-chan, has gave me death warning and I think I remember her telling me that you're still on bedrest... Now"

"Ohh, that old hag... She speaks whatever that comes on her mind. Don't take her seriously"

"Narumi, that woman comes in one of the best doctors in the whole Japan! And you're telling me to not take her seriously?"

"Yes, I am... The woman who told you about the bedrest was my godmother at that time. So, she was just babbling"

"Whatever... I don't care... Now, tell me, what should I make?"

"Sasuke..." She whined

"Ah-ha! That won't work on me, dear... And if you're not telling me then I'll simply make tomato soup"

"No! Not that... Please!"

"Okay, so are you telling me now?"


"No, not ramen! It's not healthy"

"Aww... You're a meanie!"

"Yeah... Yeah... How about... Sandwich?"

"What sandwich?"

"Umm... Strawberry and Cream?"


"Sandwich... It is"

Sasuke made some rice balls for himself while munching on some tomatoes. After preparing his love's sandwiches and preparing the Food, he went to his lover and sat beside her.
Both ate in a comfortable silence...

Days passed like this in comfort. Narumi got in better shape and was informed by Sasuke that the Party was postponed to 10th of October, her 17th birthday.

The September had ended in comfort. The couple hadn't planned anything about their outfits for the party.

So, here both of them were...

With Sasuke sitting on the sofa with a Worried Narumi running around the house.


"Sasuke!! What I'll do!!!" The blonde yelled as she finally sat next to him while anime crying.

"First... Calm down! They won't shoot you if you aren't well dressed. They're my parents not some terrorists..."

"Who knows... They might even shoot me!"

"I won't let that happen... In my presence"

"I trust you... But... What if they... Don't like me... Or worse they may end up hating me!"

Sasuke sighed. His lover was too much of a overthinker... Taking stress for something so Little. This proved how much he and their relationship mattered to her...

The raven wrapped a hand around the blonde's smaller figure and puller her closed by the waist. She looked at him with those big ocean eyes of hers, who never failed to drown him in themselves everytime he looked at them.

"Take it easy, okay... Let's go and get something for both of us" The Raven spoke softly as he caressed the younger's cheeks.



So, there they stood in front of the Luxury Suit shop. Sasuke held Narumi's hand as they walked inside the huge building. Narumi felt nervous as she'd never came to such Big places.
She felt so out of place. Sasuke seemed to sense it as he pulled her closer to him.

Narumi looked through the tons of suit to find the perfect one for him until one caught her eye, she told the raven to go try it out immediately. He fulfilled her wish instantly.
The raven came in front of her in the suit she selected,

He looked like a prince, Narumi smiled and told him it looked perfect on him. After that they both went to get Narumi's dress... Sasuke looked around the whole store trying to find that one dress... He had the whole staff running behind him as he searched for the perfect piece. That was until he saw the dress on the mannequin next to Narumi.

And that's how both of them found their perfect outfits!

AN: Well, guys! Thank you so much. And I'm pretty some people might have understood when I update. You see, I keep a goal of 100 views. If it's completed quickly I update quickly too. If it's not, I try to update within a month as you know seeing people reading my work motivates me a lot. I'm an independent author who designs her own covers and I just got aware about something.

My story 'The Angel' is stolen my this website!
And it really angers me as no permission was asked. It's unacceptable! It's not only me, other authors are a victim of it too! My dear fellow authors should check if their stories are stolen too. And we need to sign a petition against it too! This website for sure is going to be sued!

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