Jealousy~ Jealousy~

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Time passed and the blonde girl became known in the college. Sasuke sure was really happy but... There was a problem. Her beauty was becoming known too. There were tons of love letters in her locker every day. Although Sasuke didn't show it affected him.

But he didn't show it so, so how in the world our blue-eyed angel will know about it? She always thought he didn't care but only if she knew how much he did...


Narumi was waiting for Sasuke outside the college as his class was going to be a long today.
Finally finding the blonde girl alone a boy came to her. Narumi was busy thinking that how all this stuff didn't affect Sasuke at all but her peace was broken by the boy's voice.

"Narumi" she turned her head to the speaker as he'd just called her by her first name so casually.

The speaker was a boy with messy Crimson hair and pupil-less teal eyes. '愛' meaning ai which meant love was written on his forehead. Dark eyeliner was surrounding his eyes. He was a tall boy and attractive boy.


The redhead took a deep breath and said
"I've been noticing you since the first day you came. At first, I thought it was all just a little crush but it's been more than 6 months now and I don't think crushes last this long. So, I assumed it was love but the day I saw you playing with those little pups there when I came to feed them like every day... I know it! It was love at first sight...."

I got nervous. The sincerity he had in his deep voice was killing me knowing that I'll eventually reject him...

"I don't want you to answer as I know you'll say no"

"And how can you be so sure about this... I mean most people who They're confessing to will say yes..."

" I can tell it by The way you look at Sasuke. It's just the same as I look at you maybe even deeper. I know you love him"

"If you... Knew that I will reject you then why did you confess?" I asked him, he chuckled

"I just wanted you to know that there are people who are dying to be with you. So, love yourself... Sasuke is lucky to have someone like you head over heels after him

I was both shocked and flustered by his answer...

"What's your name?" I asked

"Sabaku no Gaara"

"Gaara... Will you be my friend if not boyfriend" I said moving my hand forward for a handshake? 'SHOCKED' was written on his face. He wasn't moving his hand so, I did it for him. I held his hand in mine which was quite big or mine was just so small.

"We're friends now, ain't we Gaara?"

"We... Are?"

"Yup' it's confirmed now. You're my friend" the smile on his face was beautiful and genuine. I couldn't help but smile at the comfortable silence we had with each other.
We exchanged each other's numbers and he left.

I saw Sasuke staring at me from a little far.

Sasuke's POV

Why was she talking with him? I saw how they smile and chatted like they were some kind of long-lost lovers that just reunited. The thought of her being with him or anyone but me made my heart ache and blood boil but why I'm being this jealous... It's not like she's my girlfriend or something... And ever will be... Ofc... She doesn't like me the way I do...

After the redhead left, I saw that Narumi noticed me. I came close to her.

"What happened, Sasuke?"


"Nothing, really..., Huh?"


"What made you angry..." She asked with concern dripping from her voice

"Who was he?" I asked getting straight to the point


"The boy you were talking to..."



"He... Confessed his feelings to me..."

"So, you accepted," I asked mentally praying that she rejected him but... Who chuckles after getting rejected as this Gaara guy did...
My heart was sinking...

"Mmm-hmmm!" She shakes her head in denial


"Yeah... I turned him down"

"Then why was he this happy?"

"He told me that he knew what I was going to reject him in the first place"

"Then why did he confess in the first place"

"He said he... Wanted me to know that people are dying to be with me... And I should love myself"

Ohh! So, that's what happened...

"Well, he didn't say anything wrong. There are
People who want to be with you..."
Just like me...

"Huh!" She said

"What?" I asked

"No-nothing" I don't know why but... She was blushing red...

Narumi's POV

I'm hearing things! Fr

I mean why will he say 'just like me it's... Not like he likes me or anything. It's only one-sided... And always will be...

But I need to praise Gaara's courage. He put his heart into his confession. His words were really sincere... Even though he knew rejection will be the only answer he'll get...

I need to be like him too! I should confess too!
Even if the rejection is the only answer I'll get...
Just like Gaara...

880 words...

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