The date

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The next day, the raven woke up feeling better than ever. He gently removed the blonde's arms off of him and kissed her forehead. He took a quick shower and changed into a loose black t-shirt and some loose trousers. He went to the kitchen, to make some breakfast. He made miso soup, rice, omelette and some onigiri (rice balls).

After getting all ready, he went to his to see the blonde sleeping inside the blanket. He crawled on the bed and removed the blanket off of her to see her sleeping peacefully. He felt a little guilty, knowing he'll have to wake her up but still he'd to do it. He rested his forehead on hers and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. He cupped her face and shaked it lightly. He smiled at her.

He went to the kitchen and placed all the food on a small table and placed it on the bed. The blonde fluttered her eyes open when she smelled the delicious aroma. "Oh my my... The sleeping beauty is awake, I see..." The blonde blushed. "Good morning..." She mumbled. "You know my mornings can't be good without your kisses" the blonde was now flustered. She crawled to him and kissed him. After the kisses, the blonde was crimson. They both had their breakfast in a comfortable silence, the blonde went to take a shower while the raven washed the dishes. After 15 minutes, Naruto came out wearing the raven's hoodie with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back and some small shorts.

Sasuke blushed she looks soo~ cute!
"Umm... H-how do I look?"

"Ado-rable!" The blonde smiled and hugged him Sasuke returned the hug. "Wanna go somewhere?" Asked the Raven

"Umm... How about watching a movie"

"You know, there's a new movie out! I'll book the tickets now! Just for two of us!"

"That's good but... What's the movies genre? I hope it's not action. People fighting eachother just isn't my thing"

"Ik you don't like violence. The movie has no violence so, be carefree!"

"If that's so then you go get ready while I'll do the same"

"Right" Sasuke smiled

The blonde left to change and came back in

The blonde left to change and came back in

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While the raven wore

After getting all ready They both left

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After getting all ready They both left. Soon the reached the movie hall. They both sat at their supposed seats which was next to eachother. The blonde was sitting in the corner seat while the raven sat next to her making sure no one sat next to her expect him.

The movie well, it was a scary love story. Basically a girl fells in love with a ghost who she met in an old mansion. The male ghost starts liking her back. It was all good until the ghost kills everyone who looks at the girl. Those creepy scenes were filled with blood. The blonde was shaking while watching this, while Sasuke was agreeing with the ghost. Well,he was enjoying the movie until he noticed the blonde found it quite disturbing and scary. He wrapped his arm around her, she quickly buried her head in his chest when an blood scene came. Nothing in the movie was censored this was clearly not for someone like her. Sasuke rubbed her back and covered her so, she couldn't hear the noises. Soon the blonde fell asleep. Sasuke booked another ticket of a somewhat calming movie so, the blonde could be
a little calm.

After the movie ended Sasuke took the sleeping girl in his arms and brought her to a different hall. He sat her at her seat and sat next to her. He soon waked her up. The blonde open her eyes. "D-did the m-movie end?"
"Yup' I think you'll like this movie Better"
"You sure?" "Yup' don't worry"

Well about this movie, it was a slice of life. Basically a rollercoaster of emotions. At first it was sad, as they saw a girl fighting with her life. Then it became happy, when a boy entered her life. They both became friends then best friends then lovers then they both got married. But it all changed when the girl became ill. Soon... She died leaving the boy all alone but this time with memories. The boy later decides to adopt a child and live with the memories of his dear...

At the end of the movie many people had tears in their eyes along with a smile on their face, the blonde had a similar opinion. The raven asked if she liked the movie or should they watch another one. The blonde smiled and replied "no... The movie was heart touching and the child he adopted was adorable. I really love adorable kids!" "Glad, you liked it" smiled the raven.

"How about having a meal outside?" Asked the raven

"Sounds good"

They both went to a big traditional Japanese restaurant, the blonde ofcourse ordered ramen
While the raven ordered some onigiri with tomatoes at the side. Both dishes were delicious. At the end both of them were full and content with the meal. After paying, They both left for their home. After sometime They both reached there and changed into their previous outfits. When they looked at the clock, it was night already. After talking about their day, they both went to sleep after saying "I love you". Today was Quite the good one for both of them...

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