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Itachi's heart seemed to be beating like a alarm. He immediately called two ambulances and told them the place that Sasuke sended.
He got in his car and called his wife.

"Itachi-kun, are you staying in office again?"


"Why are you crying? What happened?"

"S-sasuke... He-he got into an a-accident.."

"A-accident?! H.. how?"

"I... Don't know. I'm coming home and both of us will go to the accident location together"

"O... Okay"


"How much more time it will take?"

"Just some minutes more... The ambulances are behind us..."

Within some minutes the couple reached the location. Their eyes widened. Itachi and Izumi rushed to Sasuke's and Narumi's side. Narumi was heavily bleeding while Sasuke looked half dead.

"Sasuke!" Itachi shaked his little brother. The younger raven opened his eyes tiredly.

"I...tachi... " The younger raven fell unconscious.

The ambulance took both of them, while Izumi and Itachi got in their car.

"Itachi-kun, don't worry... I'll treat Sasuke myself and for Narumi-chan, I've already contacted a great doctor who will treat her"



"Itachi, well about Sasuke... His head was injured... The bleeding affected him... But don't worry, 2 weeks and he'll be fine... Let's ask doctor Tsunade" told Izumi with a forced smile

"Hn" Answered Itachi feeling a little better, but still gloomy over the young blonde.

After a while, the blonde doctor finally came out. The couple looked at her.

"Doctor Tsunade..." Izumi spoke as she stood up

"Izumi... Do you know who that girl is?" The blonde doctor Asked.

"Well, she's my brother in-law's girlfriend" Izumi answered

"Do you know where she belongs from?"
The blonde asked with cold eyes.

"Um-" The bruenette was cutt off by her husband.

"Ofc she doesn't know!!!" Itachi yelled, being frustrated from her questions.

"Control your temper, Mr. Uchiha. I'm that girl's godmother..." The blonde finally spoke

Itachi fell silent as the couple looked at the blonde woman, They both realised the reason behind the blonde's behaviour.

"I... I'm sorry, my husband didn't knew. He was worried about her..." Izumi tried to reason with the other doctor.

"Well, he should be... "


"I mean... That, her head was seemed to be damaged the most. And... She's now in coma..."

The couple gasped as the medic's statement.


"Well... Looks like she took the hit in the accident. So, her so called boyfriend is alive. I'm not sure about my narumi though..."

Sadness was evident in the older woman's as she spoke.

"No one is allowed in her room... So, don't think of worsening the situation by entering the room.." With that being said, the blonde left the couple alone.

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