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He drove neatly, and we soon pulled over in front of a restaurant, something vanilla, can't really remember..
"What do you do?" He asked as i sip my drink.
"I don't understand" i said.
"I mean career wise" i suddenly felt not enough,will he care if i don't have a career, why do i care if he cares...
"Nothing" i said, it was quiet.
"I'm sorry, you don't want to do anything?" He asked.
"Have you ever seen anyone who doesn't want to do anything with their life?" He shrugged.
"So what have been your dream?" He questioned and i shrugged, he frowned.
"You never wanted to be anything? Even as a kid?" He questioned.
"I wanted to be a doctor" i smiled and he sat right.
"Then i did bad with chemistry and settled for economics" i explained.
"Ok, so when you read economics nothing comes to mind?" I bit my lips, i wanted to work in a bank, the first time i told my ex, he had called me names including prostitute.
"Nothing" i lied.
"You don't have to lie" i frown.
"I wasn't...
"You hesitated" i rolled my eyes.
"I love how you roll your eyes" i did again on impulse and he chuckled.
"So what was it?" He asked.
"Bank" i winced internally, thinking that was it, why do i care?!.
"Great, but it isn't something you do for a long run, at some point you have to quit" i didn't expect that.
"Oh" i said and he nods.
"Well, that was all i was allowed.... What i wanted" i cleared my throat.
"How often do you lie?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Its rude to call me a liar" i said he chuckled.
"I get, if you have to lie to protect your self then its a different thing, which is what you do, Its your own defence mechanism" i looked away from him feeling embarrassed.
"I have to" i whispered.
"You don't have to with me, you can be sincere with your feelings with me, i might oppose some and we will come to a compromise" i looked long and hard at him, what does he want.
"Why are you being so nice and sweet?" I asked confused.
"I like you, i did the moment you walked in, i don't like people easily" i nod.
"Should i be flattered?" I asked.
"not really" he explained.
"I don't think i will be ever ready to do whatever it is you want, in a short while i know what prison felt like and after i enjoyed freedom...
"And you should stick to freedom" he cut me off.
"What does that even mean?" I asked getting irritated.
"That you can be whatever you want even married" i paused my lips.
"I heard you are popular, why are you still single?" I changed the subject.
"Haven't find the one and i am not that popular" he shrugged.
"You haven't find the one?" He nods.
"So you have been through girls like socks?" He chuckled.
"No, they have come through me like air, i don't ask them out, they assume to be my girlfriends and i hate arguments" he explained.
"But here you are arguing" i said.
"as i said, I like you there are a lot i can tolerate for you and from you" he stated and i laughed.
"For someone who doesn't like people you are sweet" I commented.
"That means alot coming from you" he said and i smiled nodding.
"Are you ready for our date?" I looked around.
"This isn't it?" I asked.
"I go all out for someone i admire" he said getting up, i followed, he opened the car door for me and i got in, i took a deep breath.
"Calm my heart" i whispered as he is like a fairy tale, a dream and i don't want to believe it.
My eyes lit up at the site of the amusement park.
"No way, wait you will ride?" I asked and he chuckled.
"Who will scream with you" i looked at him to see him looking at the big Ferris wheel.
"Just don't out scream me" i joke and he chuckled.
"no promises" he replied...
I was laughing so hard.
"I think my kidneys switch place" he groaned.
"I told you it was hard" i laughed.
"It looks easy" he argued.
"Lets sit before you collapse" we sat on the bench, i laughed again at his face when he came down from a ride that swings him around,glad i didn't join.
"Its not even funny" he mumbled.
"For you its not" i laughed
"Oya, its ok, stop laughing" he said and that made me crack up, his phone went off.
"Nana" he said.
"Not really why?" He sat up.
"Subhannallahi, is she ok?" He asked and i frown.
"Ayya" he said.
"I will drop by" he said.
"Love you" he ended the call.
"My elder sister" he explained.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Her daughter fell from the stairs " he explained, he went through his phone and showed me a picture of a girl in gymnastics outfit.
"She is so cute" i gushed, she have pigtails and ribbon.
"She is 7, her last born" he explained and i grin.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"She said so herself" he shrugged.
"How many kids did she have?" I asked.
"4" he explained and i nod.
"How many kids do you want?" I moved a bit and looked away.
"I... I am hungry" i got up and walked away, he followed me quietly.
"I am sorry for asking" he apologised.
"its ok" i replied.
"Are you really hungry?" I nod.
"Lets go have dinner and then i will send you home" he said and i nod, he took off his cap as he got into the car.
"What would you like to eat?" I shrugged.
"Anything is fine by me" i mumbled. There was silence and i felt awkward like i should say something but i just ignored it and looked out, may be he really is different, may be i should let things go as it should, i should get to know him.
"What are you thinking?" I looked around to see we are parked outside a restaurant.
"Nothing" i mumbled and got out before he could come open the door.
"Baby, i was told you were seen around but i denied it, why didn't you call?" I paused my lips at the beautiful girl standing few feet away.
"Because i don't owe you anything,plus can you stop calling me baby?" He hissed, wow he really is mean.
"What?" She laughed confused her eyes finding mine, then back to me.
"Hold on, you are dumping me for her?" She questioned.
"We were never together" he finished turning to me.
"Lets go somewhere else" i nod ready to get in the car..
"No need i was just leaving, have fun while it last, he is surely mine" she said To me before walking to her car and driving off in a scary speed.
"I think we should just go home" i suggested.
"You said ...
"I want to go home" i corrected.
"Is this because of her?" I reached for the car and it clicked locked i glared at him.
"You are not leaving,lets talk?" he said and i shrug.
"i will walk then" i turned around but he soon stood in front of me.
"Lets talk,Please" i crossed my hand.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I don't think i am your type or even close to what you're used to, before this gets far lets end it" i said and the look that crossed his face made me step back, will he hit me?!

Fahad is so sweet🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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