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I couldn't look at them in the face, they've done so much for me and i paid them back with so much pain and tantrums.
"Zahra? What is it?" Khairia asked, i had gathered them in the living room, ya amirs wife also there, i gulped.
"I am sorry" i started.
"I don't deserve your forgiveness but i will try to do better, i didn't mean to, i don't know how i got the knife...." My voice broke.
"It was just too much" i cried, tears clouding my vision, i felt the hug.
"Its taking me everything not to break down too" khairia whispered.
"So i understand, the pain had to go or be reasonable but the most important part is that you are here, we all are, we don't know why everything is happening but i think that was it, in sha Allah we will live, you will be happy,be a mother, be loved as you should" i hugged her back crying, we both are crying, after a while we pulled apart and i crawled to meet mama, my head on her laps, she stroke me head and didn't say a word, she kissed my head and i feel hope, i feel things are going to get better, i still have them..
"Salamualaikum" fahad said and then followed by others...
"Nana,long time"mama said her hand still on my head.
"How have you been mama" she greeted and then i felt her hand on my back, rubbing in comfort.
"Alhamdullillah, we will get there, how are my loves?" Mama asked.
"All fine" she replied.
"Khalid, how's work?" She asked Nana's husband.
"Alhamdullillah, may Allah ease our affairs" he prayed and i said a bit of amin myself, i lifted my head and saw fahsd sitting in front of me, he smiled and i returned it.
"How are you?" He whispered.
"Good, you?" I asked.
"Good too" i smiled.
"Good morning Nana" i greeted her.
"Good morning uncle Khalid" i greeted him too.
"Morning, may Allah help you bre all your burdens"uncle Khalid prayed.
"Amin ya Allah" i said as umma had replied, khairia came back with snacks and drinks.
"Leta go get you freshend up" she whispered to me and i nod, i got up and let her drag me to my room..
She helped me zip my top just as someone knocked.
"Come in" i said.
"Zahra, mama said you should come down" i looked at khairia and she smiled, i took my veil and followed khadija, that is ya amirs wife.
"What is it?" I asked her, she wrap her hand around mine.
"Good news" she smiled and i nod...
I smiled and sat down next to mama.
"Toh, you know Nana and Khalid, they are fahads parent, and they have come to ask for your hand in marriage, i am 100% confident that their family is going to take care of you and your brother too did the same" i looked at ya amir who smiled at me.
"So, do you agree?" I smiled shyly.
"Yes" my voice shook and i take in a deep breath, my heart about to explode in my chest.
"Masha Allah" Uncle khalid said, they did their talking and i felt eyes on me, i looled at fahad who is still sitting where i left him and his head is tilted to the side, a smile on his face and i have to say this, he looks breath taking, i smiled and looked away.......
I covered my ear as khairia screamed.
"Subhannallahi this girl" ya amir said and she hugged me, well bulldozed me onto the bed.
"Let fix our wedding date together" she said and i chuckled.
"I think mine won't need that much event, its my second....
"Absolutely not, we are going to burst abj, bridal shower, henna party, kamu,dinner, keh, nothing like second marriage ooh, and in case you don't know we will be going dress shopping, so tell your husband to be to send money" she said and i laughed.
"Toh, uwar biki, where will we go shopping?" I asked her.
"Ya amir where?" She asked.
"Do i look like i have been dress shopping before?" he asked her..
"Amarya, where do you recommend?" She chuckled.
"There are places i can recommend you check" she said and i nod.
"They have all, heels ,purse, veils, jewelleries" i giggled as khairia squealed again.
"We are bringing a make up artist to abuja, don't care from where" she said and i laughed.
"I still don't think my wedding should be this loud" i mumbled.
"It's going to have every event" ya amir said.
"Come babe, lets go, this ones are too loud" he grabbed his wife and they left, khairia talked at length on events and i try to be as happy as she is.......

SECOND TIME IS A CHARM? (Completed✅✔🇳🇬)Where stories live. Discover now