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I slept at Nana's and fahad promise to come get me the next day... The next day came and here i was hiding behind fahad, holding hamid so tight i fear i will hurt him.
So when we got home, khairia had ran out and told me to not come in but it was too late as he stepped out with his father and Some family members, i froze, literally froze and his eyes on me made me shake in fear but a broad back was soon blocking my view, and it was a game of who will speak first, off course they will.
"Zahra, wont you come greet us" i didn't reply.
"Who are they?" Fahad asked loud enough.
"Her in laws and  ex husband" khairia answered.
"Oh" he replied casually.
"Lets get you inside" he whispered and my eyes find his, he raised his brow and i shook my head.
"Come on" i moved my legs that are super heavy at the moment, when we got close to him as if sensing my fear fahad stopped right in front of my ex.
"Go on,i need to have a word with him" i quickly walked away and khairia followed me in...
"Why is he here?" I asked.
"To apologise and bring you back, don't worry" i gulped.
"What do you think fahad have to say?" I asked and she shrugged.
"I hope he punches his eyes in" she mumbled before taking hamid.
"Did you miss me boy" she tickled him and he laughed, great just when i thought good things are coming my way again........
After that day it have been one message after another, explaining how it was the devil and what not, i wanted to tell him all he did but i choose to ignore his messages, he talked about fahad at length, talked about hamid and knowing him, i didn't reply, he began showing up, day after day and i worry he will take hamid from me, he said i am beautiful, was he blind before? Calling me all those ugly names, he made it clear i wasn't even as beautiful as i thought, he made it his life duty to remind me of how ugly i was, i believed him and let him look down on me....
I didn't reply any of his messages and he suddenly started threatening me, calling me names, cheat and promised me a lot of pain if he ever see me, i didn't take anything to it, until we went shopping with khairia, fahad had dropped us off and said he will be back because he needed to fuel the car, my ex had been watching because i don't know how he found us but he did and subhannallah, it was in a public place, it took several men to pull him off of me, he had my hair in a tight grip and had knelt of me, hitting my face, glad khairia took hamid away from me, my face hurts,my scalp hurts and he was telling people i am his wife and was cheating on him and he followed me here to abuja, i felt embarrassed and i couldn't leave the floor,my baby is crying so loud, i tasted blood and i remained on the floor.
"Zahra" khairia voice ringed in my ear, she shook me but i can't bring myself to look up, people will see me, people...
"Hey!" I heard some exclamation and fights, he accused fahad of being the one i ran to abuja with, i bring fahads image down too i thought...
"Come on, we have to check if you are hurt" i shook my head no, how can i face Abdulhamid like this, i am sure my eyes is swollen and my nose is probably bleeding..
"Please...." Her voice broke..
"I'm sorry" i cried..
"What are you sorry for? Please let me see" she cried again.
"Take abdulhamid away from here khairia, he shouldn't be seeing this" i said.
"I can't leave you here" she protested.
"Do this for me please" i begged, i felt her hand left me.
"Ok" i remained on the floor, building up the courage to get up but i couldn't..
"Let me help you out" i heard a woman said and i shook my head no.
"The police took him" she assured me and i sniffed tasting blood in my throat.
"Zahra?!" I cried louder hearing his voice.
"Zahra, you have to get up" he explained and i cry even more, i don't want this.
"You don't want to get up?" I nod, still crying i feel like a kid.
"Why?" He asked.
"Are you hurt that much? Is your leg hurting?" I shook my head no.
"I need to see your face babe, please" the desperation in his voice made me ignore the feeling i got from him.calling me babe..
"I just left like seconds ago, i didn't know, i wouldn't have left you alone, but i need to make sure there is no serious injury" he pleaded.
"its not your fault and I've heard worst" i said.
"Ok, but we can't stay here forever" he said.
"We can" i whispered.
"No we can't" he chuckled..
"There is nothing to be embarrassed about, i explained to everyone, my explanation is more believable than his lies, come on love, i just want to see" he said and i bit my lip, i lifted my head a bit.
"There is my girl" i looked at him and his eyes was angry but his expression calm .
"He is ruining my life" i cried and he looks conflicted.
"There is a clinic down the road may be you should take her there" the woman from earlier explained and i looked at her, she had pity written all over her face .
"Come on" fahad stood up from the ground and she helped me up, i picked my scarf off the floor and covered my head, outside was cold, i shivered.
"Are you cold?" I nod.
"Sorry" he apologised, at the clinic fahad was on the phone a bit far away from me pacing then i noticed his bruised knuckles, that was shaking as he went very animated with his talk, he glanced at me and then looked down again, well, i think this is the lowest he have seen me, if only i knew...

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