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"Ou" i made a face at him.
"Stop whining" i mumbled dabbing his bursted knuckle.
"But its painful" he took his hand away from me.
"Because she didn't use hydrogen" khairia mumbled from her position on the couch.
"Come and put the hydrogen now" he said and i chuckled.
"Don't dare her" i said and then the greatest surprise happened, a knock, khairia opened the door and let out the scariest scream in history of scream, i was up and fahad soon drag me behind him.
"Oh my God, you came early" her voice that of someone going to cry.
"I need to come see my soulmate" i grin.
"Walid?" He walked fully in, his arm over khairia shoulder..
"You are here" i got away from fahad, who dragged me back to his side.
"Sup sis" i glared at fahad and walked to walid.
"Longest time, didn't know you would make it on time" i said..
"My mind have been with you guys and i was about to loose it" he smiled.
"How are you?" He asked, i know what he meant.
"Alhamdullillah, getting better" i smiled.
"Trust you, you are one strong woman" he commented.
"So i am assuming the guy glaring at me is fahad?" I turned to fahad who was indeed glaring i chuckled.
"Sorry, we don't let him out alot" i joked.
"Yeah, he is fahad my fiancee and fahad this is walid khairia financee"i said to fahad who walked up to us.
"Fahad" he stretched his hand and walid took it.
"Thanks for being here" walid replied.
"How close are you two?" Fahad asked.
"My mom and her dad are siblings" walid explained.
"Ooh" fahad said.
"Yeah so quit glaring" I said and he rolled his eyes and walked away...
We talked and i left them alone and went to look for fahad, i met him outside..
"Did you wrap up your hand?" I asked and he showed me his wrapped hand.
"What?" I asked and he shook his head nothing.
"Toh, head nodder, i thought you strongly believe in words" i said sitting next to him, he laughed.
"There is nothing, just can't wait for you to be mine" i smiled.
"So cheesy" i commented.
"Only for you, when you introduced me as your fiancee i was so happy but that sounded like i am 50years or something, can't you find a suitable nickname,there are a lot of endearment, he called khairia his soulmate and you introduced me as your fiancee, so bland and boring and...
"I am Sorry mi amour" that efficiently silenced his rant.
"Should we go introduce you properly life line?" He didn't say a word.
"Well, i am a goner" he mumbled.
"Call me by name to the rest of the world but those nicknames are what you will call me privately" i laughed so hard.
"Make up your mind" i said between laughs.
"I love your laugh" i rolled my eyes.
"Just my laugh?" I teased.
"No, i do more than love you, if there is anything bigger and better than love, its what i have for you" he declared.
"I love you too" he turned to me so quickly i raisedmy brow.
"This day just keeps getting better, you just said you love me" he said looking in my eyes and i nod.
"Ya Allah, Alhamdullillah" he placed his hand on his chest.
"I think i am about to have a mini heart attack" he said still looking in my eyes, i laughed.
"This day deserves a celebration and i have something for it" he said getting up.
"What is that?" He shrugged.
"You will find out soon" he grinned and i chuckled..
"don't keep me in suspense" i warned and he raised his hand in a pledge manner.
I met khairia in the kitchen making some food.
"Hey" she turned to me and i dropped my smile.
"What happened?" I asked.
"We just talked" she sniffed.
"I am sorry" i apologised.
"Don't say that" she covered the pot and walked to me, then hugged me, we stayed like that for a long time till the 2 boys walked in.
"I thought i said no more crying wifey" walid said ..
"I can't help it" she mumbled going back to the stove.
"Why don't you relax and i finish the cooking" he said making her sit down on the stool.
"So what do you guys do for fun?" He asked rolling his sleeve.
"Nothing, we just go to the mall and sometimes the park" khairia commented.
"Hmmm" he grabbed the spaghetti and without breaking it put it into the hot water.
"You are supposed to break it you know" khairia commented.
"That is like a taboo" he replied and she rolled her eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes babe" he said without looking at her, i love them, they are like twins, they can practically feel each other, they know each other that its weird, plus walid is someone who shows his emotions...
"How long have you guys been dating?" Fahad asked as we eat.
"10years, i think" walid said then.
"10 years don't glare at me, its 10years" he winked at khairia.
"Wow, that is long long years of dating" fahad said.
"And the best thing is, i saw this one when she still wear diapers" khairia elbowed him.
"You did not, he did not, he is just 7 years older than me, don't say nonsense" she eyed him.
"How can someone so chubby have such pointy elbow" he mumbled rubbing his side.
"Are you blind, how am i chubby?" She asked, she is not chubby, she is slim, really slim...
"Do you remember...." She covered his mouth and eyes him, threatening him with Her eyes.
"You are so cute" fahad commented and i looked at him.
"Never thought i will see the day you say such thing" i said.
"Have you seen them, can we be like them?" He whispered the last part.
"Lets see after 10years if you still love me this much" i replied.
"I will, we are going to do some renewal every year, which we won't need, i am going to love you forever, nobody is telling me otherwise" he said determined.
"Allahuma Amin" i smiled at my plate.
"Assalamu alaikum" mama entered with ya amir and his wife.
"Wa alaikum salam" we answered, walid got up and hugged her.
"Hey old woman" she chuckled.
"When did you arrive?" She asked.
"Today" he replied.
"Walid" ya amir shook his hand they hugged.
"You must be our amarya, how are you dealing with this one" she blushed.
"I am trying" she replied.
"i know, he is Too much trouble" Walid replied earning him a glare from ya amir.
They joined us on the table and we served them some food laughing and talking, i took a deep breath, this is happiness i thought, i turned to look at fahad and he is already smiling and looking at me, his eyes telling me all i needed to hear, i think i am starting to match his feelings towards me, i am starting to love him just as he love me..

SECOND TIME IS A CHARM? (Completed✅✔🇳🇬)Where stories live. Discover now