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I felt her relax and i quickly let her go, i turned her around and she went limp in my arms, i lay her down, she just fainted.
"She fainted" i said, mama couldn't say a word, khairia is still in shock even i can't believe it, it was cruel, who drowns a baby? I had to loosen the gag around his mouth, i wouldn't put this past her ex that is the only explanation, i looked at her face again, she had shoved mama so hard and ran out, i have no idea where she is going but mama said i can't let her leave the house  she suddenly got really strong, her words making me cry, it hurts and i can't imagine what she is going through, they think for her own sanity its best she doesn't see the baby..
Driving back was harder than i thought, i was scared of seeing her that way again, she was crazy, her eyes super big, she wasn't seeing anything or hearing anyone, ya Allah, amir had said he is on his way, getting a flight must have been hard, i got into the house and she was awake, she is wearing hijab and quietly sitting between umma and a woman i don't know. I went to amirs room and took a bath, the tub is harder to look at as i feel i will see his floating body again, i had hoped, wished while i performed that CPR that he coughs and come back to live but it was a mere wish, when i went back and sat down, her eyes snapped to mine.
"Fahad" she just kept calling my name, i felt the raw pain and wiped my own tears.
"You let them take him away" i blinked back tears.
"He is all i have got, the only good thing, i didn't willingly conceive him but i loved him, he loves me too, he wanted to be with me but you let them take him away, tell them to bring him back" this is so sad..
"Pray baby, hasbunallahu wa niamalwakil" mama rocked her.
"I am sorry" was all i could say, we heard amirs salam and she stood up and ran to him.
"Ya amir tell them to bring him back" she pleaded and he just hugged her, his own eyes blood red, and for the first time since the incident she cried without words, she cried a real tears and everyone in that living room cried because her pain radiated off her in waves....
Its been a week and she has stop responding, she would look at you but won't say a word, she would even smile but won't say a word, she is always resting on mama's shoulder or amirs, she won't eat or sleep, she looks lost, she have been questioned by the police and i was glad we were on call when she heard the door shut, khairia said she heard water running why she checked the room, they have arrested her ex and he said she drowned him herself, she is hateful and he wouldn't put this past her, i was on call with her then and that was enough evidence to prove her innocence and him guilty but she is growing weak faster than we can all comprehend, i fear she will follow abdulhamid, her smiles scare me, her silence hunts me....
Nana thinks she should move out of the house, where will she go? Will she come with me? I have been thinking of it, she isn't in her right mind though and it isn't appropriate for me but i want to make her mine halal way and get her help, she isn't really responding, she stares at space, won't leave her bed unless when needed, hve nightmares and have been fighting sleep, would randomly say something completely irrelevant or something about abdulhamid that we all don't know about. She would say stuff we also know about, and in this state of mind and even though she said it earlier the day he died, she had talked about being raped and the pregnancy beaten out of her, he stayed and he was taken, her words, i just kept adding this to the list of crimes the bastard will pay for, if they will just sentence the monster to death by ripping apart, i want him to feel pain, to know pain and feel what he made her felt.

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