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I had tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, because i couldn't, i just couldn't, i don't know what to do, in a marriage relationship i am used to being told what to do and when to do it, it seems like i have a whole lot of spare time, i got out of bed and headed to the living room, he is watching news, he turned his head towards me and smiled, i walked to him and he pulled me to sit next to him, i was tensed for a while.
"Relax babe" i relaxed a bit and rest on him, we stayed like that quiet for some time.
"Do you want to go to bed?" He asked and..
"Yeah" i replied, i got up and he took his glasses off, placing it on the table, he turned the tv off and the lights, i was still standing where i was, he came to me and stood in front of me, he took a deep breath and take my hand.
"I can wait forever but i want to know, do you want it?, are you too shy? or?" I know what he meant.
"What?" I pretend to ask.
"Ahh, don't make me spell it out" his hand came to my face and caressed my cheek, his thumb grazing my lips, i bite my lips.
"Its just..." I started.
"Hmm" he murmured for me to keeo going.
"Im not used to taking lead, hmm, i am normally........" I swallowed,my stomach in a knot, and i am suddenly getting weak and my stomach hurts funny.
"Come on,lets go to bed" he placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me around, walking me to his room, my heart beating loudly,why did i suddenly got nervous? I thought.......
For the next few days it have been awkward,totally my fault, i know what he meant, i feel what he felt but i cant bring myself To give in, he had left for an emergency meeting, leaving me alone at home for the first time since we got married.
I was keeping myself busy by cleaning the house, i was changing the sheet in his room, already done mopping and washing his bathroom my headphone on and i was lost in the music that i didn't hear him come in, i saw keys fall on his table and i turned around quicker than I ever had, he had his hand in his pocket, he looks like someone right out if the magazine, the face cap he had on was backwards, the heavily tinted sunglasses sitting on his face, i took the headphone off.
"Hi" he smiled.
"Hi" i replied, i got off the bed, quickly putting things in place, i stood straight after making sure everything is in its place, he took his glasses off and the cap, then he shut the door, my heart picked up.
"Relax" i gulped as he walked towards me.
"Calm down babe"he said again and i nod, he stood few feet away from me.
"I really tried" if my heart picked up any further it will burst.
"I couldn't concentrate in the meeting and i came to find you like this" i blinked, really aware of what i had on, a straight body hugging short gown with spaghetti straps.
"I was working and...
"You look hot and i can't really help want to touch you" i looked down,i want this, i want this, i kept chanting in my head, but why am i scared, his hand under my chin lifted my head so i can look at him.. He leaned in and kissed me,i didn't react, he pulled back, took a deep breath and stepped back, staring at me.
"The meeting was boring" he started turning his back to me.
"Was it so boring alone?" He asked and i felt guilty, i walked up to him and grabbed his upper arm, he looked at me over his shoulder.
"It was that boring?" He asked and i shook my head no.
"I am ready" i said dropping my hand.
"You're shaking" he said and off course i was..
"It'll stop, i can control it" i said, he smiled.
"You are doing great babe, Nana thinks we should go through some therapy" i frowned looking up at him.
"You told her?" I asked angry and disappointed.
"I am going Crazy, and loosing my mind" he defended.
"And of all people her?" I asked..
"She raised me, who am i supposed to tell?" I frowned.
"Did she know ?" I asked, he searched my eyes reading me loud and clear.
"About what?" He asked.
"About what you're thinking fahad" i said.
"You are angry" he stated.
"What do you think? Do you know what she'll think of me....."
"I can't help it, i am frustrated, i will loose my mind if i keep bottling it, i am human, i have feelings and i don't want to pressure you into anything but i am suffering,i am sorry i told her" he apologised with a sigh.
"I don't need help" i said before walking out well try to but he pulled me back, thats a first.
"Don't leave like that" he pleaded.
"Lets not fight over this" he said with a raised brow.
"Lets talk?" I folded my hand and he chuckled, he pulled my hand apart and drag me to sit on the bed, he sat next to me, still holding my hand.
"Relax,i won't hurt you ok?" He said and i didn't even realise i was tense, i relaxed.
"Want to go out for ice cream?" He suddenly asked, i nod staring at his happy face, its not real, now that i look he isn't really happy, what am i doing?, how am i ruining a perfect life? I don't even know i am doing somethings.
"What are you thinking?" He asked and i looked at our joined hands.
"How i am ruining this" i said sadly, my eyes watering.
"I am sorry...." My voice broke.
"I didn't mean to" he pulled me into the best warming and protective hug ive received.
"We will work it out and you are not ruining it" he assured me and i let him hug me and comfort me.....


SECOND TIME IS A CHARM? (Completed✅✔🇳🇬)Where stories live. Discover now