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I paced the hospital floor, why would she for the love of all things pure do that, amir was on call with one of their uncle, he seems tired, i am tired, i just want things to be normal..
"There was so much blood uncle, they haven't ask for any blood yet" he replied....
*few hours back*
"I am going to bed" she said and mama let her, she have been improving lately, she even ate something apart from liquid, we all did something other than stare at her, i went to Nana's, deen lost a friend too and have shut everyone out, again i am tired, i was there playing video game with the boys...
"Ya salam, ya Allah,fahad what will we do?" Khairia was crying i paused the game.
"What do you mean what happened?" I asked.
"She tried to kill herself, there is so much blood, she cut her wrist fahad, innalillahi wa ina illaihi rajiun" i stopped hearing past that, i don't even know how i got to the hospital...
After sometimes the doctor came...
"She is fine, but we gave her sleeping injection, just to calm her down and probably get her thinking straight" he explained.
"When she wakes up we will know if she needs blood or not, she didn't go into shock so, we are holding on" the doctor explained and my insides turn.
"Can we see her?" I asked and he nods, i left him with amir and went to the room she was in.
"Why?" I stared at her wrist.
"I know you are going through pain and... But why?" I asked,like she would answer, but she is sleeping peacefully...
When she wakes up she was confused, she had a little frown and when she finally saw us, she looked ashamed.
"Why?" Ya amir asked he is angry i understand but this isn't the time...
"Did you even think of us? What will happen if you succeeded with your little tantrum?!" I want to tell him to keep it down but amir when angry is always deaf and blind till he calms down..
"Abdulhamid was murdered, mama have been strong,did you see her here? Thats because her blood pressure suddenly went up, guess why because you didn't think, khairia haven't gotten over the shock of seeing him in that water, i am still hurt and feel if i have stayed i could have protected him and you want to take you away from us too, just a month after? What happened to sabr? What happened to leaving everything to Allah?he doesn't test a soul more than it can bare, and you gave up on us? You want to run away from the pain we all share, you didn't do anyone a favour, khairia have been traumatised for life, she saw you first, first hamid and now you" he paused, she was crying.
"Why did you do it?" He asked her.
"It hurts so much, its like all i endured from his father was for nothing, i am sorry" she cried.
"No sufferness is for nothing what if this is all the trail you are going to face on this earth and in the hereafter, do you still think its nothing?" He asked and she cried even harder.
"You gave up, you didn't think of fahad, what possible happiness awaits you, how Allah might bless you with sons and daughters, subhannnallahi zahra what if he had grown and had become something we all wouldn't want to associate with? Remember when you told me he was the reason you fought to live?, live with that memory zahra, we might not be able to comfort you enough but hamid will be there in hereafter to take you to paradise is that comforting enough?" He asked gently and she nods, she sniffed.
"I am sorry, tell mama i am sorry, tell khairia i am so sorry, fahad...." She paused.
"I will leave the two of you to talk" amir said and he walked away...
"Hey" she sniffed.
"I feel like a failure" she whispered.
"Ok, slow down, it will be weird if you don't react this way, Allah have given you another chance if he knows you can't live on, if he knows you won't do any good in future do you think he will let you live?" I asked her and she shook her head no.
"So, he gave you chance again,use it to make up for today, make mama proud, this is trail to all of us, and how we react is how we get out reward, have patience babe, i know i can help somehow, i promise no i know i only want you happy, i want you smiling, strong and fear free, i want so much for you and i can give you that to some extent if you allow me" i said, she looked me in the eyes.
"You still want me?" If only she knew.
"More than ever" i smiled.
"I am sorry" she said looking away.
"I didn't know how i got to the knife and when i saw the blood i panicked, i am sorry" she explained.
"You will be alright,thank God you survived it and that is that" i said and she nods.
"Is mama alright? Khairia?" She asked.
"Mama will be fine, she is on bed rest, khairia will find away, walid should be here by next month, he finally got his visa approved" she nods with a smile.
"I caused people pain" she looked at me with a sadness that makes my heart hurt.
"No, you have been through pain, a pain we all can only imagine" i explained and she nods, then yawn.
"You should sleep" i suggested and she lay down, i got up to leave.
"Fahad?" She called and i turned to her.
"I want to give us a chance, i am tired" i smiled..
"I got you baby" she chuckled and let out a shaky breath as i walked out a smile on my face, this might just be the end of our pain...

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