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I came back dressed in comfy house clothes, and smelled something sweet in the air. I raised my brow and find the kitchen, he was by the gas cooker, frying some eggs and plantain, i crossed my hand over my chest and watch him, the electric kettle turned off itself and he turned the water into a tea flask, he turned around to pick something and jumped when he saw me, i had an evil smile on...
"How long have you been there?" He asked after composing himself.
"Long enough to scare you" i grinned and walked into the kitchen fully.
"You are making breakfast?" I asked.
"Don't sass me, i am already getting emotional,don't change the mood" i mumbled.
"I am the best right?" He asked.
"Don't toot your own horn either" i said and he chuckled.
"You don't mind your bread toasted right?" I shook my head no as i picked the fork to turn the plantain, i added another and turned to ask if there is anything else then he kissed me, i froze and didn't know how to react.
"Got you, don't scare me like that love" he winked and walked around me that still would not move, he soon peeped my face.
"Are you there?" I blushed deep red at how close he was, i cleared my throat and stepped back, bumping into him.
"I, i will go set the table" i pointed to no where in particular and turned to leave, he pulled me back and stared into my eyes.
"Lets be comfortable around each other, hmm?" I looked down, how did he turn so serious in seconds.
"Ok?" he smiled a megawatt smile that revealed all his teeth.
"Sure" i replied And he nods.
After breakfast he pretty much got working and i was in a blanket sitting on the couch, cozy and watching every disney i see, we got up nd pray and i was back on the couch till lunch..
"What do you want for lunch?" I asked, he looked up and he really mkes reading glasses into something fashion would need a picture of.
"Should we order? Or you want to use the kitchen?" Again, he keeps startling me with all this stuff.
"You.... You don't mind if we order?" I asked, he must have heard how emotional my voice got, because he dropped his laptop and walked to where i was sitting, he sat next to me and i moved for him.
"I want to show you how married life should be like, you are not a slave here" i gulped, why am i getting emotional?.
"Sure i would love to eat from my wives pot but when you can and are willing, i told you before, you can be married and free" i sniffed.
"Ah, don't cry" he said and i nod.
"I won't" i said trying to hold back my tears.
"Do you want spaghetti?" I asked and he nods.
"Can we go get stuff for cooking it?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Let me change into something appropriate" i got off the couch and went to my room, changed and stared at myself in the mirror.
"Are you ready?" I jumped a bit startled.
"What are you staring at?" He walked further in and stood behind me.
"Nothing" i said still staring in the mirror but at him.
"I see something" i raised brow.
"My price possession, one and only" i laughed so hard.
"Did you just quote..." He grabbed my hand drag me out of the room.
"Don't say his name" he mumbled and i chuckled and let him drag me to the car, he unlocked the door and opened mine, he got in then started the car, the gateman opened he door and out we went...
I cooked the food off course trying to be extra, i made spaghetti stir fry and lemonade..
"Your food is ready" i said and he got up and we sat down at the dining table and got eating, i kept stealing glances at him, is the food ok? Too salty? Half done?
"What is it?" He asked and i shook my head nothing, in my mouth it tastes owk but...
"What are you thinking love" i Looked up at him almost pouting that i have to ask him about my cooking.
"Uhm, the food, is it ok?" I asked, he dropped his fork and rest his head on his fist, i gulped, he had a little smile on.
"You are so adorable" he said, making me blush even more.
"The truth?" I nod.
"Perfect" he said and i smiled.
"Now i will always look forward to eating your food" he said and i chuckled.
"You are sweet" i said.
"I know, how did you think i charmed my way into your heart?" I rolled my eyes and ate my food..

SECOND TIME IS A CHARM? (Completed✅✔🇳🇬)Where stories live. Discover now