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A brilliant light hugged the land as the sun began to stretch out with golden arms and ignited the sky with such brilliance and elegance.
The once night sky was lit up in a beautiful array of colors and the sun roused more colors from their languor, the sky beginning to turn a beautiful azure.
A soft fog settled around the area as birds chirped happily and horses grazed upon delectable blades of grass.
Just a few feet above the ground, the air began to ripple and form a strange, see through portal-like entrance, before four bodies appeared out of nowhere, falling to the ground.
A sound of panic echoed throughout the valley as the horses reared back and whinnied in trepidation, their nostrils flaring in fear.
Grains of sand burst apart and wisps of golden hair was stuck between rosy lips as eyes of thunder slowly looked up, small pants of complete and utter exhaustion leaving her body as she shook with that very same feeling.
It was almost like all of her energy had been zapped from her body and her arms shook as she placed them on the ground, trying to push herself up.
Her ability had never taken such a toll on her this greatly before, to the point she could barely move, and she figured that it was due to the fact that she had not only teleported herself far away from the situation, but three others as well.
Two hands gently wrapped around her own and looking up, eyes of thunder locked with eyes that reflected the ocean and told tales of a thousand kings, a look of uttermost worry crashing to the surface as her legs gave way underneath her.
A screech of concern left Zeus's beak and the hurried flaps of his wings filled the young girl's ears, before a light weight fell upon her shoulders, the hawk's cold beak gently rubbing against her cheek in worry.
Her knees barely had time to skim the surface of the ground, before those hands left her own and immediately caught her around her waist as Killua gently pulled her close, his worry very clear for her now.
Slowly, he placed his hand against her cheek and softly tilted her head up, having her tired eyes look into his.
Seeing his worry, Valentine gently placed her hand on top of his and a small smile spread across her lips as sweat slowly fell down her face as she nodded; reassuring him that she was alright.
The sounds of hooves approaching caused the two to turn around and catching sight of two NGL residents, caused Killua and Valentine to let out simultaneous sighs of relief.