Adventure or Death

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The group turned back to the screen and what they saw surprised them.

Ajax could be seen slowly and quietly walking out of his room, his foot not even stepping down fully before taking the next step. 

"It looks like he's being careful about every step he's making, as if he didn't want to wake anyone up." Ayato pointed out

"But why would he not want his family to wake up? Unless he's doing something he's not supposed to?"

"Most likely since it looks like he doesn't want to get caught."

"But where is he heading now?"

As Ajax entered a room, the group recognized it as the kitchen, he proceeded to look around. He walked towards a cabinet and opened it and started rummaging through it.

"Come on where is it, где это находится" Ajax whispered.

He moved some things, in the cabinet, around very quietly trying to find the item he was looking for. 

"Its not here" Ajax Whispered frustration easily heard in his voice. 

"What is he even looking for?"

"I dont know but whatever it is it must be important if he's desperately looking for it." 

Ajax turned to another cabinet and quickly opened it and rummaged around it for a few seconds.

"Wher-" he interrupted himself as he pulled out the item he was desperately searching for "Ah ha here it is" 

The group looked at the item dumbfounded.

"That's what he was desperately looking for? A bag?"

Diluc said.

"Well I dont know it must be a very important one" Kaeya said but quickly corrected himself when he saw the look plastered on Diluc's face, "...or maybe it's just a normal bag." 

Ajax then headed towards the fruit bowl on his counter. He tip toad, trying to reach the fruits, after he did, not without struggling a bit, he grabbed two red apples and shoved them inside the bag. He then made his way to what they group assumed was the pantry door and he opened it. Inside was a variety of foods and ingredients but none of them seemed to be what Ajax needed due to how he kept looking up and down it for a few seconds. His eyes then stopped when he saw the item he needed; a loaf of bread and some granola bars. 

"This will do" he said as he grabbed the loaf and a few granola bars, he then stuffed them in the bag along side the apples.

Afterwards he tied a knot to the bag to secure its contents wont fall and slung it around his shoulder. 

He quickly but quietly, made his way to what the group assumed to be the front door and stood in front of a rack next to it which was filled with winter hats, some scarves, coats and some gloves. He reached out to grab one of each item and put them on. Then he proceeded to grab his snow boots next to the rack. 

Once he had everything on he exhaled deeply, "Im ready." 

"Ready? Ready for what? Where is he even going?!"

He opened the door quietly, the door creaking a little, and he immediately got hit with a gust of strong wind, he shivered at the sudden coldness that bit his skin. He then stepped outside and closed the door, not wanting to alert anyone nor wanting the coldness to get in. 

"I still don't know where he is going to"

"Is he attempting to run away?"

"It seems like it since it looks like he didnt want to alert his family when he was in the house."

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