My Pain Is An Endless Stream

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TW: Slight suicidal thoughts, just a little this time

The group didn't know what too expect anymore, they didn't know if it could get much worse than this. But considering the abyss, it sadly may. Unfortunately the one bearing these consequences that were too come would have to be Childe. What they had seen left them mortified and they couldn't bring themselves to imagine what other dangers lied ahead of them. 

They looked at the screen, wondering what they were going to be shown this time, hopefully nothing too extreme, but fate was never nice, they knew chances were low and that this was only the beginning of this long road trip to hell. After all, it was the abyss they were talking about.

"You're going to be alright kid, you're going to be just fine..." Skirk said to the boy, her voice soft and calm, just enough to give comfort to the poor kid and avoid scaring him. "Dont worry, im here now...your safe now.." Skirk didn't know what exactly had happened to the kid to leave him like this, completely scared to the bone, shaking uncontrollably and a crying mess overall. The kid had just been sleeping normally before he began tossing and turning, as if he was having a nightmare. Skirk had rushed to his side to attempt to wake him up from said nightmare, but as soon as her hand made contact with his body he began screaming like crazy. As if someone was hurting him. 

Skirk was beginning to feel like someone was. Something wasn't right with the kid, he looked like if he was restrained by something with the way his muscles were straining together, as if they were trying to move but they couldn't. His screams were getting louder by the second, he needed to be woken up now. If he kept at this they were not only going to attract attention from other abyssal monsters but whatever was happening with the kid could get much worse, Skirk really didn't want to wait to find out. 

She quickly attempted to shake him awake, calling out for him. 'God I should have asked for his name, I'm so stupid..' she thought to herself. She was about to attempt another method to wake him up before the kid began stirring awake. 

As soon as the kid woke up she was about to ask him what happened, seeing as he looked coherent enough to answer, but as soon as she opened her mouth to speak, she saw it. She didn't need to know what had just happened at all anymore, because as soon as she gazed into his eyes she froze. She understood what happened, completely. 

You see, the abyss is a dark lifeless place, if you didn't know by now but most likely you did... Anything and I mean absolutely anything that radiates life down here will be destroyed as soon as the abyss gets a chance too. If a creature or person ends up down here, the abyss will stop at nothing to kill and corrupt that being. If it were an animal or any other creature the abyss could easily corrupt it but having said that, its a different case for humans. 

Humans tend to be more resistent than anything, they will attempt to resist the attacks the abyss makes to corrupt them. But there resistents ends up being there downfall whether they like it or not, it makes the abyss angrier. It throws more harsher attacks than before, desperate to catch and corrupt it's prey. 

Humans eventually go to a point where they cannot avoid nor withstand these attacks anymore. The toll these attacks take on their body become something too heavy to bear. The mental and physical, mainly mental, strain it takes become too much till they eventually succumb to the dark corruption of the abyss. The abyss uses dirty tricks and tactics, meaning it will do absolutely anything that puts the situation in their favor, the abyss isn't afraid to play dirty. All that matter to it is them possessing your entire body.

The damage the abyss left on you was permanent, once it managed to corrupt you, you were theirs to keep, a puppet. Its only use being for its own  entertainment. 

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