Death Has Never Been So Near

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The group turned to the screen and saw how Childe began to wake up, his bright blue eyes fluttering open. Then he proceeded to rub them tiredly. 

He breathed out a sigh and sat up as his back leaned against the rock. He then stretched his limbs; arms, legs and back, his back sore from sleeping on a rock. The popping of his limbs echoed throughout the cave. 

"Damn thats a lot of bones popping..welp thats what happens when you sleep on a pile of rocks, unless of course your that old geezer over there" Venti said as he began pointing to Zhongli. 

"Bar- Venti." Zhongli corrected himself then proceeded to glare at him. 

Venti sweatdropped "I'm kidding..."

A satisfied sigh left his lips as his limbs popped, "That feels better than before." His eyes looked around at the cave confusion visible on his face, "Where am I again?" He said to no one but himself. He tried to process where he was for a second, his brain digging around for any clue or idea as to how he got there. It took a second but then all the memories came back answering his questions he had before. 

"Oh right..I'm in the cave I found last night? Day? Afternoon? What time even is it? Argh- you know what just forget it.."

He slumped back down on the rock he was sleeping on "Now what am I going to do today" his stomach growled loudly answering his question and seemingly deciding his next move."

"I mean.. I am a bit hungry.." His stomach growled again louder this time, as if it was trying to prove a point, "Alright Бог, I'm very hungry."

"So..having a conversation with your stomach is normal..?"

"I mean..maybe? At some point everyone's done it..right..?" 

The room stayed silent for a second.

"I find this situation rather amusing" 

"Come on dont be like that!" 

The group chuckled before staring at the screen once again 

"Well I guess I can go exploring and try to look for some food.." Ajax said but remembering yesterday's events and how everything played out he didn't have much hope he would find anything, "but considering yesterday my chances of finding something to eat or even someone to ask them for help are all at zero.." he said forming his hand in a zero like shape. 

He put his hand on his forehead and ran it down to the edge of his chin. He proceeded to sigh once again, "Well might as well get started on searching for food..or at this point anything that could possibly help me.."

He slowly got up from the rock and proceeded to stand up, but then he suddenly felt a great pain in one of his legs which made him fall on one leg while he gripped the other, "Gah- It burns!" He cried out, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

He looked down at his leg. Both the group and Ajax were horrified at what they saw. There was a gash in Childe's calf, where the wolf had bit him, part of his skin was lifted up while other parts had been slightly torn off, blood was oozing out of the wound. 

"The wound is definitely more serious than I thought, I thought the wolf had just grazed his skin a little.." 

"That's got to burn by a lot.."

"He should definitely focus on treating the wound with the things he has on him" 

The group grimaced as they proceeded to study the wound on Childe's calf.

Thankfully it wasn't that deep, but if he left that wound untreated it would get infected and most likely leave him unable to walk.

Ajax acted fast, remembering what his dad had taught him about what to do in case he ever got injured. Since he didn't have any medical equipment on him or even near him, he just had to work with what he had.

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