The Unknown

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The group turned and suddenly all eyes were on Kaeya 

"Then..then where did he fall too..?"

"He..He fell.." Kaeya clenched his fist in his lap, "He fell into the Abyss.."

The air was much tenser than before, a pregnant silence stretched over the room so much that you could probably hear a pin needle drop. 

"..The abyss.."

"At 14 years..."

"A kid like him shouldnt be in a place like that..nor does He belong there.."

"Poor Master Childe"

"It all makes sense.." Whispered Zhongli

"What does?" Lumine asked confusion visible on her face

"Ever since I met Childe I could sense abyssal energy radiating of him, though I never questioned him nor asked him about it, but now I know why, he was tainted by the abyss.."

"But How?! How is he even alive?! How did he survive? How did he escape the abyss?!" Exclaimed Xiao

it just didn't make sense people who went or fell into the abyss never came back, the abyss always corrupted its people and even if you managed to escape, which was nearly impossible, the abyss would eventually corrupt you. 

No one and I mean no one could escape the abyss, but how was it possible that Childe escaped it. 

"It doesn't add up, there isn't much information about the abyss, since nobody's lived long enough to talk about it, but what I have read about it is that no mortal is strong enough to escape the claws of the abyss.." Ayato mentioned 

"Well since we are reacting to him maybe we'll be able to find more information about how he escaped the abyss." 

The lights dimmed once again and the screen so began playing the next clip. 

Ajax began to slowly open his eyes, gaining his conscious back, while still laying down on the ground. When he gained all of his conscious back he quickly got up on his, not recognizing where he was. 

He instantly regretted moving so quickly, as he felt a great pain in his back and his leg, from what he assumed to be caused by the fall and the wound he got in his leg from the wolf, it felt like all the air got knocked out of him and like someone was stabbing his body with a million tiny needles. He fell on his knees with a heavy thud, and he started coughing and gasping for air. His hands quickly made their way around his throat. 

"Hah, Ha, hah," Ajax's heavy breathing echoed through the air. 'Дыши Аякс, дыши' he thought to himself.

"Breathe Ajax, breathe"

It felt like hours had passed, in reality it was only a few minute, till he was finally able to breathe properly. When he finally managed to calm down he started to take note of his surroundings.

Ajax eyes darted around the dark place trying to look and get an idea to where he was. Until he breathed in the air through his nose, he quickly covered it with his hands, the air smelt disgusting. The air smelt putrid, it smelt like something rotten, that was left for days, and dark, a very unpleasant smell it made him gag almost wanting to make him throw up. 

"Ugh" he groaned hoarsely, his throat dry and rough from all the coughing he did and the impact of the fall.

"Where even am I?" Ajax said trying to recall what happened. He gripped his head in pain, it felt like it was split open, a terrible headache came over him. It felt like he was being hit with a bat multiple times. He clenched his eyes shut and prayed for it to be over, for once his prayers were answered because the headache left as fast as it came. 

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