Hell Begins With Me

598 16 13

TW: there is torture and some suicidal thoughts in this chapter

Ajax shifted around trying to feel where he was or more like what he was on. He felt a hard yet somewhat comfortable surface, it felt similar to when he slept on that cave floor.



Ajax's eyes flew wide open. He used his hands to sit up quickly as his eyes darted around the area. He was confused as to where he was, but then again when wasn't he confused, 'I mean if you woke up in a place you didn't know nor have explored you're bound to act the same' bitterly thought Ajax.

Anyways back to the real world, if anything happening was even real, to begin with..




Was it..? What if, just what if..

The atmosphere seemed to darken and it began to become thicker and thicker by the second. It was suffocating, he couldn't breathe...was...was he drowning...?

"What happening to him?!" Voiced a concerned Thoma.

"Is there someone choking him?!!"

"I don't know it seems likely but there's literally no one there!!"

"What can it possibly be then?!

The whole group was concerned whether they voiced it out or not, What was going on with childe? Will he be okay? Are questions left yet unanswered, but anything can happen when you are in the hands of the abyss.

'C-cant b-brea-the..' he choked out, the air having escaped his body. His body aches, his vision is becoming blurry, and he feels like he's going to pass out. Ajax is clawing at his throat desperate for air that isn't entering his body.

His vision became even more blotchy, dark black spots surrounding it. Ajax was in fear, he feared of blacking out, closing his eyes, and possibly never being able to open them again. He didn't want that, he was still young and had many things he wanted to do..if only he hadn't run away from home..if only he hadn't been naive enough to follow his silly dream...if only he had listened when his parents told him not to run off...if only...if only...

No longer being able to endure the lack of oxygen his eyes fell shut.

"Oh, God! I hope Childe is alright!"

"I believ- No He will be alright, Childe's strong he'll be alright."

"That may be the case but we still don't know what happened to him!"

"It's the abyss..anything can and will happen, even if it's against your own will..."

"Hopefully we'll be able to find out in the next clip.."




It was silent nothing besides a soft buzzing noise could be heard.

That was until...




"Бодрствующий" A scratchy hoarse voice... no voices...demanded.

And the boy did as the voice commanded. He woke up with a big gasp of air. He was panting heavily as if he had just run for more than 5 miles. He was desperately taking in the air, scared that he would lose it yet again. He looked around the area and saw nothing, it was practically pitch black nothing was seen beside the floor.

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