The Hunt Begins / Not Edited

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The clip began rolling once more, lighting up the dark room once more. The people in the room playing close attention to the screen not wanting to miss a single details, to encaptured and curious of it. 

Skirk and Ajax could be seen walking foward, no, towards somewhere. There direction unknown due to the darkness surrounding the abyss, the only light being the slight shimmer of the stars above but even then they looked dull. The slight humming sound surrounding them, coming from the unknown creatures in this cursed place. 

Ajax looked down towards his boots that had been slightly scratched from all the falling and running he did. He let the rustling of, Skirk and his shoes stomping on the ground, fill in his ears. He didn't want to think of the ear haunting sounds the abyss contained.

Skirk looked towards Ajax, she took this time to study his figure. He had a red - ish orange type of hair that was short and unruly. The clothes he was wearing was obviously meant for colder weather, meaning he most likely came from a place where the temperature was, probably, almost always cold. He looked worn out from all the running the kid had done. The dirt on his clothes being an obvious factor. He didn't even look any older than 14 and he was already experiencing what most considered hell. 

His eyes are what caused Skirk that gut wrenching feeling you get when something bad is about to, or is currently happening. Skirk had both. Being in the abyss forced you to feel and watch out for danger. For Skirk this was already like a second instinct for her and so far is has helped her survive. She hopes she'll be able to help Ajax do the same so he doesn't have to end up like her, with his future as fucked up as hers... 

She looked longing ahead, thinking of everything she lost because of something she caused. Of everything she could have had if it wasn't for what she did... 

She shook her head to erase the thoughts of her mind. She's had her life already and managed to ruin it already, if she's at least able to help Ajax avoid ending up on the same path as her then...that'll be enough for her. He's still young to have a fate as cruel as this, though something in her head tells her that his life will be just as terrible on the outside world... she ignores it, not wanting to think about it for another second.

She focuses her gaze back on Ajax. The image of his eyes coming back into her mind. His eyes weren't like before, no, it looked like a chunk of light had been burned out of them. Although there was still a bit of light visible in them, it wasn't at all that prominent. They were as dull as the stars in the abyssal sky. If Skirk looked closer she swore she could see a slight hint of purple swirling around, abyss infected purple that is.


She needed to address the elephant in the room. Though she doubted it was going to be easy, after all the kid didn't seem like he wanted to recall anything that had happened at all. Which was obvious from the way he was silent the whole way but trying to drift his mind onto other things. Skirk let out a sigh. 'Well, might as well try, what do I have to lose' she thought to herself.

"Hey kid" She said, breaking the silence between them. Ajax looked up towards Skirk for a second before speaking up as well, "What is it?" He asked her. 

Skirk let out a small breath she didn't know she was holding in as soon as she heard him answer her. 'Its now or never' she thought. "Back over there.." she paused slightly, testing the waters in a way. Ajax made a noise of approval, as he slight nodded for her to continue on. She heard it and continued, "Back then, What exactly happened?" As soon as she said it, there it was, just as she expected. 

The kid stopped walking completely, he was frozen in place, his eyes wide and unseeing. His body was trembling in fear as he was recalling the past events. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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