Chapter One.

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This story is a massive TRIGGER WARNING.

This is not an easy read. If you are easily triggered this novel is not for you. This novel is extremely dark.

There are rape scenes and torture scenes. There are children being abused, raped, kidnapped and killed. Stillborns are in this series. So if you are trigged by any of these, please be careful when reading. The first eleven chapters are of how River grew up, after that it isn't as dark. Chapter Twelve is after they escape.

A little information about this novel. Forsaken can be 'bred' and have 'young' of their own at five. A five year old Forsaken looks to be about ten. By eight they look to be sixteen/seventeen. They stay that way till they are thirteen, when they will look nineteen/twenty. They have been genetically altered to grow and mature at a faster rate than humans. Forsaken look like humans but have very little in common with them.

Male Forsaken can have young with other males. Does not matter the rank, two male Alpha Forsaken can have a young. Same with Female Forsaken. They can have young with other females. Without Males. Rank does not matter for Forsaken to have young.

Keep all of this in mind when reading it. It does not have to be read before or after 'Try me. I dare you.' I recommend reading it though, if you want to skip certain scenes they are labeled for you to know when certain parts are over. It is just her background in detail. You get to see her life before the school and young Royals.

I hope you enjoy this story.

River, One year old.

I tilt my head at Shay, he's new. His wide light green eyes search the entire cell, passing over the rest of us. He's appears to be a twelve year old Majestic with light blue hair.

He's jerking on his chains, with everything he has. Little does he know he can't break them.

I feel like I should say something to the male.

Shay was not born here, he got here about two hours ago but he just woke up about five minutes ago. And he's freaking out. I wonder if it's because he doesn't have access to his magic?

"We should tell him that he can't get out of those right?" Elvina links me, I drag my gaze to the grey haired female next to me. She's two, with bright yellow eyes, her skin is a deep shade of brown.

Like me, she is chained by the wrist, neck, ankles, thighs and waist.

"I don't know." I turn to Nadia, she's four with mint green hair and light brown eyes, Nadia is paler than a piece of paper. "Should we let him freak out more or tell him there ain't any use trying to get out?" I include both Nadia and Elvina in the mental link.

"You tell him. I told the last one." Nadia waves her hand at me, leaning against the cell bars. "I don't know why they put a male in here though. It's strange."

It's strange. Since none of us are of breeding age, they keep us away from males most of the time.

"I don't know that either. But I guess I'll tell the male." I don't want to. "Howdy, it's Shay right?" I call out to the male, he swings his gaze towards me.

"Yeah. How do I get out?" He asked, still pulling on his chains.

"My name is River." I inform the male. He pulls harder, eh. I'm just gonna be blunt. "Shay. You can't get out."

Shay stops moving. He's not breathing. It worked! "Yes. I can. I just have to break these." He starts kicking the chain that's latched to the floor. Never mind. It did not work.

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