Chapter Three.

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River, three years old.

I stay very still as Dennis, Alvaro, Oscar and Angus argue over, Felix, Cy, Connor, Naida and I. We're in the torture chamber but we're not strapped to the tables, for once. Felix and Cy are leaning heavily on me. Connor and Naida are standing behind us, this is the first time I've seen Naida in a year.

"Do we know why they're fighting?" Cy asks through the link, we can see the guards we just can't hear them.

"Oscar and Alvaro need all five of us for some kind of mission. Dennis and Angus are saying that Felix and I aren't ready. That's all I got." I answer back just as Angus growls, Dennis snaps something at him making Angus flinch.

"Why would you and I need to go? We're not five yet." Felix lifts his head off my shoulder as the guards start towards us.

"I think we're about to find out." Naida mutters, she tugs me backwards and pushes me behind her, Connor does the same for Felix. We don't need it but since we're younger, they have the urge to protect us. It's in our blood. Protect our young, with everything we have. No matter the cost.

"Looks like you five are going on a mission. River come with me." Dennis snarls, he grabs my arm and jerks me away. Cy and Naida growl but can't do anything to stop Dennis.

He pulls me out of the chamber and into another one, he looks pissed. "You will see Royals on this mission." I stiffen, why the fuck am I going near Royals? "Despite everything we've told you about them and to stay away from them. You have to be near them, you and Felix will end up very close to them." Mother of all fuckers!

"Which ones?" I ask glancing down at my wrist, they're covered in burn scars. From the cuffs, which I believe have to come off.

"Doesn't matter. You are to say nothing about who you are or why you are there." I raise a brow, I don't even know why I am going. "You and the other four are going on an assassination mission."

Oh. I haven't killed anyone yet. "How many?" I ask, how many need to die?

"Eight." Dennis snaps, jezz it was just a question he doesn't have to snap. "Try not to get close to the Royals. See them, don't engage them." Like I'd want to anyway.

"Should I change my skin? Hair? Eyes?" I ask thinking of what I can change it too, maybe blue hair? Green eyes? I like my darker skin so I don't know if I'd want to change th-

"No. The others are changing theirs to similar to yours. Well change your eyes." Dennis cuts off my thoughts. "They should be getting ready, now you go get ready." Dennis shoves on my shoulder, back into the torture chamber.

There are three baths with water in them, Naida and Felix are glaring at said baths. Cy and Connor are already in the water and scrubbing their bodies. I step up to Felix and Naida. "What's wrong with you two?" I peel off my shirt and shorts.

"The water smells like you." Felix mutters, I frown and take a deep breath.

Oh. I switch to linking them. "That's lavender. It's a flower. Get in." I hop in the bath closes to me, which has Cy in it. He grunts and glares at me. "Don't even. I'm sure you've seen and touched a naked female. Don't act so surprised about me not caring either." I point a finger at him.

"You're three." I scoff and splash him with water, just as Felix and Naida get in the other two baths.

"Bite me Cy." I snarl and scrub my body, fucking males.

"Mhm I'll bite when you're older." I still and slowly bring my eyes up to his.

"I will tear your balls off if you ever try." I keep my tone light but bare my fangs, Cy chuckles and continues to scrub. Dick. I sink down, till my head is completely submersed under the bath water. I close my eyes and scrub my hair, I can breathe under water. For a short amount of time, maybe an hour. I'm still learning to breathe under water for long periods of time.

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