Chapter Fourteen.

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River, Age thirteen.

"Whose there?" The female snarls, I hide my scent and keep as still as I can. "Come out. Now."

What should I do? What the hell should I do? "What happened to the scent?" The male questions quietly.

"I don't know." The female answers, I clench my jaw. I need to get away. "It was a strange scent, lavender, vanilla, cinnamon and death. Who smells like that?"

Shit. Shit. I'm too tired to use my magic to leave. "Rosa." I lock eyes with the male, fucking perfect. The female follows his line and spots me. I don't move, the female narrows her pink eyes at me.

"Who are you?" She questions, her voice is all growl. I force myself to stand and lean back against the wall.

"I don't I wanna answer that." I respond with a smirk, I need to learn to keep my damn fat mouth shut.

"How much did you hear?" The male growls, I raise a brow at him.

"Hear what? The fact that you don't listen to someone who clear knows more than you. Or the fact that you almost got both you caught cause you can't listen to her? Or that you went after Royals? Which I have to say is very dumb on your part. Which ones did you go after? The young Royal? Or the High Court?" I am a dumb fucking person.

"That's none of your business!" The male snaps, his face turning a deep shade of red while the female looks calm. A killing calm. Hmm.

"You do realize that the young Royals have nothing to do with the laws. Not even the High Court Queens know what goes on around here. Only the High Court Kings know how we live." I watch both their eyes widen, they didn't know that. Interesting.

"How would you know?" The male huffs, like a child.

I snort and cock my hip out, I need my magic to hurry up and build enough so I can leave. "I had a fling with a Prince." I answer, my magic flickers in my chest. Not enough yet.

"Why are you telling us this?" Rosa asks me, her eyes narrowing at me.

"Cause I don't care. What are you gonna do? Kill me? Good luck. If I were you, I'd set my sights on the Kings. Not the other Royals. But also if I were you, I wouldn't go after the Royals at all because they'll just kill ya. Shifters aren't that powerful, you ain't got the power to go after them." Anger lines the males face, ooh I've hit a nerve.

"You know what, I was gonna let you live. Now I'm going to kill you." The male lunges at me, the female bulks and looks shocked by the males words. The male shifts to his Griffin form. I wave my hand and blue light wraps around the Griffin, he's slammed onto the ground. I flick my eyes to the female, blue light wraps around her and forces her to shift then onto the ground.

Her Panther is black with a red tint and much larger than I expected. "Like I said. What are you gonna do? Not much from the looks of you two. How'd you'd even get in when you're so easily taken down?"

I laugh and crouch down in front of them, both growl at me. "You bitch! Let us up!" The male growls at me, I raise a brow out him.

"Nah." I answer simply, I could easily get away but something about them makes me want to dive into their heads. "I wanna know what's going on in your heads. I haven't had that urge before."

"Are you insane? Only Luna's can do that!" Rosa hisses at me, I raise a brow at her.

"I am a Luna." I respond and they both tense, they stop breathing. "I can dive in if I want to." Which I do. So badly and I don't know why.

"Let us go." The male growls, the female remains calm though.

"You want to go into our heads." Rosa breathes, I tilt my head. "Let Tate go and you can go in mine. I'll give you permission."

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