Chapter Seventeen.

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Rainer, age fifteen.

Cedric's eyes roll to the back of his head, I pick him up easily. I go to move away but Star grabs my arm. "What?" I snarl at her.

Star's bright yellow eyes narrow at me. "I know you don't see it but you're being a dick to this kid." I open my mouth to tell her to fuck all the way off but she covers my mouth with her hand. "Yes. He's going to leave and you don't want to get attached. I understand that. I do. But you're hurting him. Cedric just wants everyone to like him. You think he doesn't notice when he enters a room, you leave it? Or how you've barely spoken to him?"

"Mind your own business Star."

"No. I don't know where he came from or why he felt like he needed to run. What I do know is he pays attention to everything. His eyes are always bouncing around, watching. You'll have to get used to people coming and going from here. You know River. She'll keep finding strays, bringing them home, helping them heal than setting them free."


"No. Listen. I know that you don't dislike him. But he thinks he's done something wrong." I jerk my head back slightly, he thinks he's done something wrong? Why would he think that? "You don't have to be best friends with him, just stop running away from him."

"I need to put him in his room." My voice is tight. Star sighs and lets me go, I walk away. Fucking hell. This kid is going to kill me. I make it to his room quickly, he's sharing with Dru. They've become good friends, she's not here right now. Thank fuck.

I set him on his bed, he shouldn't be out long. I sit next to him and stare at his young face. Why him? Why couldn't it have been someone else? Someone that would stay? I run my hands through my hair.

'We don't get to pick.'

Rex, my seer informs me gently.

'I know. But why the fuck did have to be him? It couldn't have been someone else? Or if it had to be him, why can't he stay?'

I growl pulling on my blue hair.

'Give him a reason to stay.'

Eros, my Fae snaps at me.

'No. That has to be his decision.'

'Than it's your own damn fault when he leaves!'

Eros huffs anger lacing his words before he fades away.

"Rainer?" My eyes move over to Cedric, he's rubbing his eyes. "Why are you in here?" My chest pulls painfully at his question.

I clear face of any expression. "To make sure you woke up and were fine." I force myself to stand, even as Erebus my demon and Nyke my Witch growl for me to stay with him. "I leave you alone now."

I'm halfway across the room when he calls my name. I still, fuck. I'm like a dog on a leash. I look over my shoulder, his knees are pulled to his chest again. "Did I do something wrong?"

'Star was right.'

Raven comments and my chest squeezes painfully. Fucking Star, why the fuck did she have to be right? "Why would you think, you've done something wrong?" Cedric shrugs and looks away from me, his hands pull on his blanket. I close my eyes, already regretting my decision. I take a deep breath and stride back over to his bed and sit down, Cedric startles slightly. "Why would you think, you've done something wrong?" I repeat my question, that he didn't answer.

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