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A/N: TW for blood, death, and guns. Also brief mentions of religion, homophobia/transphobia and the afterlife.

This chapter isn't entirely necessary to read for understanding of the book, so feel free to skip to "𝕨𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣, 𝕞𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕕𝕤

Enjoy ♡



"Well fuck. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation. Let's go back to the beginning, shall we?"

About a month earlier...

"Auuuggghhh... God I hate being an adult," flopping down on the bed face first, I can't help but groan at the ache in my legs. While I typically got good tips as wait staff, today was packed and I hardly got any tips. Unfortunately, I as much as I wanted to quit, I was but a broke college student with a large amount of debt, who needed money for...


...Luckily, I didn't have any more shifts until next week, and since it was the weekend I didn't have any classes. That means I'm totally free to laze around like a useless member of society! And laze around I shall.

Well, I'm actually not gonna laze around- I'm gonna go play some games instead. After booting up my computer and opening up Steam I scroll through my games and decide on SCP: Labrat. After awhile of struggling to set up a VR headset, I manage to get everything working.

Upon coming into the game, I'm greeted by text saying "TURN AROUND" I snort and turn around, expecting a jump scare but it's actually just the menu and I was facing the wrong way.

After an hour or so of messing around in game, I eventually decide I should actually try to beat the game. Unfortunately actually trying to beat it was harder than messing around, but I persisted.

"Wow this game is so fancy, it really feels like I'm getting dragged into a pocket dimension. The only unrealistic part is that this is the millionth time uncle Larry has dragged me in here." I huff a little before smiling to myself as I continue to play, but my smile drops when I hear a loud crash.

I pause and look around in game. Nothing nearby to make that noise? I don't recall that being a ambience audio either...

I stiffen, what if it wasn't from the game? I didn't have pets and my roommate was gone to visit her parents for the weekend...

"Please don't be a serial killer," I slowly take off the VR headset and hear quiet footsteps outside my room. I turn around just as the door opens and gasp as I come face to face with someone I don't know.

"Shit!" They scream, seemingly just as startled as I am, fumbling with something in their hands.

"What the hell?! Who are y-" I pause as I stumbling backwards, falling to the floor. My ears are ringing and I can't hear much other than my own heartbeat. Ah, so they were fumbling with a gun. I look up at them from my lying position on the floor. Why the hell do you look so panicked? I'm the one who's been shot.

Ironically, who ever this is seems more upset about this than me, who's probably bleeding out right now. Then the pain hits in my stomach, and the area becomes cold while the blood that pours out feels hot.

If you're gonna panic like that then call an ambulance, or put me out of my misery. Don't just let me bleed out here...

The figure holds the gun up to me again with shaking hands and I get a good look at them. They have a baggy hoodie on and baggy sweatpants as well, so I can't tell much about their body type. However, their face is somewhat visible, only partially covered by a blue surgical mask.

I guess nobody questioned this guy's sketchy behavior since masks are normal given COVID, and it's not unusually for people to go out wearing comfy clothes. I swear half my class attends lectures looking the same as this person.

I let out a big sigh as the figures runs out the door, my hearing hasn't came back yet but it seems they couldn't finish me off.

What a coward.

Anyways I let my head lay on the ground since craning my neck up to look at my assailant was tiring and they were gone.

I can't believe I went out this way. I stare at the ceiling for chuckling to myself. At least I don't have to pay off my student loans anymore. No more crappy customers either.

Maybe I can rest in peace or whatever after all? Yeah, I'm chill if it ends here... I wonder what's after death though?

I snort and think about the game I was just playing. Hope what comes after isn't SCP-2718. God this gunshot wound hurts and I'd hate getting cut open or froze in a morgue.

I frown, maybe I'm already dead? I'm still thinking but I can't move at all, otherwise I would have tried to call 911. I'm defintely fully conscious and able to feel everything...

Maybe I'm not dead yet and just can't move cause blood loss or something? I try my best to inhale as much oxygen as I can and scream at the top of my lungs, its heavily muffled but I can hear it slightly. Well I can scream so I'm not dead yet.

I close my eyes and let out another large breath, but this time I can't seem to take any air back into my lungs. Well, let's hope the afterlife is peaceful and that god likes my fruity self. If god exists and really is transphobic or homophobic then I guess I'll go party with the devil in hell.



-SCP-106:(Mentioned dragging Y/N into a pocket dimension in game, nicknamed uncle Larry)

-SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. SCP-106 causes a "corrosion" effect in all solid matter it touches, engaging a physical breakdown in materials several seconds after contact. It also has a pocket dimension which changes at its will, typically to torment those dragged into it.

-SCP-2718: (Mentioned while Y/N bleeds out and is wondering about the afterlife.)

-SCP-2718, also known as What Happens After, is an unclassified SCP. This SCP overrides your afterlife and cause you to continue to think and feel everything even after death, causing an eternal torment. If you are exposed to this infohazard, this is what happens to you when you die.

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