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-Author's note: 2nd person for today's chapter.


After breakfast with Ophelia you were pissed off. You had a mental dartboard with her face plastered on it and you were shooting bullets at it.

Luckily Ophelia had to return to her cell somewhere, leaving you with Paul. You sighed, glad Paul was genuinely kind to you.

...Even if he was a little dense and provided no help with Ophelia. Paul and you talked for a bit, before you both fell into silence for a while.

You weren't sure why, but you couldn't find much to talk about, so you simply fell into an awkward silence. Eventually some guards came to get Paul for his experiment or interview with the mystery SCP.

You simply sat alone in the room, twiddling your thumbs without much else to do.

Luckily, or unluckily in this case, your boredom was cured when some guards motioned for you to follow them for an SCP experiment.

Eventually you reached a room and prayed to whatever entities you could that this wouldn't kill you.

And seemingly one of those things you prayed to granted your wish when you came into a room with a familiar jade ring lying on a table.

After stepping into the room you looked around before approaching the table with little caution.

You knew this ring, at least, you thought you did.

You observed it and turned to the camera in the corner of the room. "So, uh, you want me to put this on or..?"

The room remained silent after for a moment as you shifted on your feet awkwardly. Then, the speaker on the ceiling made a noise. "Please hold off on putting the ring on for now D-8602. We are still missing a key part of the experiment."

You shifted at that information. Perhaps your pleas weren't answered after all. You bite your lip in nervousness as the man on the speaker continues. "However, we recommend you sit down at the table and hold the ring near your hand so you can put it on at any time."

You nod and follow instructions, placing your hand in your lap under the table.

After a while a woman enters the room and hands you a clipboard and pen. You glance at it and it seems to be a questionnaire for an interview. She clears her throat to gain your attention and you glance up at her.

'Shes kinda hot-'

"Attention D-8602, following recent incidents we will be conducting experiments with that ring you hold. Another SCP with enter the room soon and you will ask them questions off that paper. At the end we will perform an additional experiment regarding the ring and the other SCP. You will be given instructions at that time. Understand?"

You nod. She smiles and exits the room hurriedly. Not a moment later multiple guards enter the room holding poles to a collar and you frown.

Oh great, a plague doctor...

Is this 049 or 049-J?

Well, it doesn't really matter you're probably dead either way.

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