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"Hooooooly shiiiiiit..." I can't help but drag my words out as I take in my surroundings. This has to be some sort of joke or weird fever dream as I knock on death's door, right?

You might be asking, what's wrong Y/N? What do you see? Well, I'll tell you what I see, I'm in a cell laying on a uncomfortable mattress that's on a weird concrete bed attached to the wall! BUT WAIT, that's not all to my new house tour, there's a disgustingly dirty toilet- no sink or shower in sight- and a TABLE!

What a lovely new home right? Really nice of whatever entity moved me here to put me in a cell after I died and bled out. But that's not even the worst of it- what's worse is that on the table there's a leaflet about the SCP Foundation and that I'm now a "D-class personel".

Great, just great. I had a shitty day at work, and when I go home I get shot by some lunatic who broke into my house. I don't even get to finish my game or spend my paycheck on something dumb! And now- now I wake up and I'm in a cell being told I'm a D-Class! A D-CLASS, ALSO KNOWN AS DISPOSABLE CLASS?

I know I said that if heaven has homophobes and transphobes I'd rather go to hell but this isn't what I meant!

Sigh... I look up at the slab of concrete above me, seemingly another bed, at least I've got a roommate? While I don't really want to be someone's prison bitch at least I won't be alone.

I flip back down onto my bed, facing the ceiling, or rather the top bunk, and hold the information leaflet in front of me. D-8602, huh? God I'm not going to remember that...

Then I glance down at myself and cringe at the horrific orange jumpsuit. "How ugly... orange can be a nice color but this shade of it is awful," I glance down at my chest and try my best to read the upside down font. "D-8602... well that saves me from having to memorize that number. Woohoo, I guess?"

I frown and sit up, before leaning out of the bed and looking to to the top bunk. The bedsheets are messily made so seems someone is sharing with me, but they aren't in the room right now.

"If this is real, they must be gone for testing." I cock my head to the side. "Either that or their being autopsied in the foundation's morgue." I sigh and glance at the reinforced door, there's no visible handle or mechanism like a card swipe to open it, so it looks like the door is a one way door that can only be opened from outside.

Smart of the foundation, but bad for me. Well, even if I did get out there's no way I'd make it past any guards or checkpoints. I listen for any sounds outside the door and hear multiple footsteps, guards commanding D-Classes to follow them for testing, sobs, screams, and chatter.

"What a variety," I cringe at the screams and plop back down on my bed, smelling the faint odor of something metallic as well as body odor and some sort of cleaner.

A weird feeling runs down my spine but I simply to chalk it up to this weird isekai crap.

Eventually my blinks becomes longer and longer until my eyelids stay shut for a few hours, because I somehow fell asleep amongst the scratchy bedsheets and cries of fear outside the door.

I'm woke up by a creaky metal noise though and crack open one eye. The door is opening and someone steps through, sniffling a little bit and hugging themself.

Someone speaks up from behind them, "Might wanna get some rest, you're scheduled for testing tomorrow afternoon as well." The D-Class nods as the guard pats them on the shoulder and lightly pushes them into the cell.

As the door shuts I hear some muffled voices outside. "What's the point of being nice to them? They're death row inmates who'll die in a month or sooner anyways."

The guard who was a bit nicer with the D-Class sighs and responds in a sad tone. "I know they're probably terrible people, but even D-Class don't deserve testing with SCPs."

The rude, yet rational guard hums, voice becoming more distant as they continue to get further away. "Of course they don't deserve it, nobody does. But if not them, then who will?"

At that point I tune them out and sit up, turning to the D-Class in my cell. It's a short, tan, guy with black hair that's been buzz cut. I can't see his face since his hands are covering it and he's still sobbing quietly. Hesitantly, I slowly walk towards him and crouch down in front of him.

"Hey, uh, you good man..?" The unknown cellmate of mine shakes his head but doesn't say anything. I reach my hand out and hover it over his shoulder before patting it, trying my best to comfort him. "You wanna talk about it? Or we can talk about something else and get your mind off whatever."

The man looks up and slowly brings his hands down from his tear-stricken face. "I'd like to-" he breathes in shakily, "to talk about something else."

I nod and grab his arm as lighty as I can, leading him to sit on the bottom bunk before sitting next to him. I take a mental note that despite his small frame the guy feels muscular and is likely strong.

I dunno what SCP he got tested with but it doesn't matter right now. What matters is he needs some comfort from the horrors house within the walls of this facility. Besides, I need to stay on this guy's good side since based on how muscular his arm is I likely couldn't defend myself in a fight with him.

"My designation is D-8602, but you can call me Y/N. What's your name?" I introduce myself in as soft a tone as I could muster. Yeah this guy might be a death row inmates who's done terrible things but theoretically if I'm here so did whoever's body I'm in. We're both in the same boat and at the mercy of the foundation and the SCPs now, there's no use in making enemies with other D-Class.

The man next to me trembles as he looks over at me and wipes his tears. His eyes are brown and now that I'm looking at him he's probably is in his late 20s. "I'm, uh, D-673...5? I think? I, I uh, don't really remember. My names Paul though, I'd prefer we use our real names rather than those numbers."

I nodded and turn away from Paul, facing forward and staring at the wall. "Nice to meet you, Paul. Since we're cellmates lets get to know each other a little."


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