Chapter 1: Our Encounter

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Hawkins, Indiana, Eddie Musons trailer, 6:07.

Eddie had just woken up, stretching his arms followed by a yawn. He pulled his covers off of him, getting out of bed. Unfortunately, he had school today..

Eddie walked over to his drawers pulling out his classical hellfire shirt and black ripped jeans. He walked into his bathroom and brushed his teeth.

He grabbed his car keys and headed outside. He entered his van, driving off to school.

Hawkins, Indiana, Hawkins high school 6:57.

Chrissy shut her mothers car door shut, she watched her pull off. She looked around, as if she was looking for someone.

Oh.. he's not here today? Chrissy thought to herself, she was looking for her boyfriend, Jason Carver, she could feel herself frown.

The bell rung, all the students went inside. Heading to their classes. Chrissy walked into her first period class. A few minutes after class started, someone opened the door walking in. It was, Eddie Muson, "The freak".  Students started whispering. "What are you doing in here, Mr. Muson?" The teacher asked him. "My schedule got changed, last minute." He repiled, almost sounded as if he was annoyed.  He walked to the back of the classroom, taking a seat, he propped his legs on the desk, getting comfortable in his new homeroom class.

Chrissy looked behind her, Eddie was fiddling his rings, he was in a deep thought..he looked kinda cute like th- Gah! Chrissy what are you thinking..! You have a boyfriend, you are a loyal girlfriend. Very.. loyal. Eddie looked up, noticing Chrissy staring at him. Their eyes met. His.. dreamy brown eyes and her ocean blue eyes. Chrissy began to feel her cheeks get hot, turning red. She quickly turned around, shaking her head.

Eddie smiled softly, he didn't expect the Queen Of Hawkins, Chrissy Cunningham. Staring at him. He snickered at the thought. Yet again, Fiddling with his rings.

Chrissy closed her eyes, slowly drifting to sleep. Not realizing she fell asleep during an important lesson, this was unlike her. Eddie lifted his head up, peeking his head at, Chrissy who is now sleeping, he ran his hands through his curly, thick brown hair. Surprisingly, he could hear soft snores coming from her. He honestly found it adorable, not the snoring part-- he found Chrissy adorable in general. He continued started at her, smiling.

Chrissy's dream, her POV..

I was snuggled against someone's chest, It seemed like I had fallen asleep, now waking up. I looked down at myself, I was wearing a Tee shirt of some band I didn't know of. It only took me a minute to realize who's shirt this was. I felt my face become hot.. I was wearing Eddie Muson's shirt, so that could only mean one thing– I sat up, and there he was..Eddie Muson. Am I in a dream? Jason would kill him if he found out! but- My thoughts were interrupted by Eddie waking up. He sat up and looked at me. "Morning, beautiful." he smiled and leaned in for a kiss, I leaned in. I woke up, everyone started  leaving class.

My face was burning red.. I could feel it.
I got up, I'll just go in the bathroom, during next period to cool off. This.. isn't right- Eddie and I barely talk plus we aren't friends at least I don't think.

"Have any, uh, dreams?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see, Eddie he has a goofy smile on his face. "Yeah, actually, I did!"

I stood up, almost walking out the door.

"Bye Eddie." I said before walking out the door.

Eddie didn't say anything back, at least I think.

Eddie's POV:

Chrissy had just woke up, her face was HELLA red. I asked her if she had a dream, she repiled with "yeah, I did" I wonder what it was about.. probably her and Jason going out on a date, or something like that. She got up and waved me goodbye. Which was nice I guess.

Third person POV:

Hawkins high school, 1pm, Lunch time.

Chrissy went to go sit in her usual seat, but someone was sitting in it.. The new cheer memeber, Ally.
"Uhh.. Where am I supposed to sit, you're in my seat--" Chrissy brows furrowed.

"Hey babe, maybe you could sit somewhere else today?" Jason said, speaking for the others. "Maybe Jason's LAP!" one of the cheerleaders snickered.

She got uncomfortable by that.. very uncomfortable.

Eddie's POV:

I couldn't help but notice Chrissy just standing there, It was strange to me she would've sat down by now. I scanned the table, since when was there a new girl? I looked back at Chrissy. She looked uncomfortable.

"Hey Chrissy, wanna sit over here today?" I shouted across the room.
I got everyones attention, a smirk appeared on my face. "What was that, FREAK?" Jason stood up slamming his hands on the table.
I stuck my middle finger at him, ignorning him. "What do you say, Chrissy?" I continued, I swear I saw her smile.

She walked over and sat down in the empty seat, Mike was on a vaction or whatever. The members of my table just looked at me, with their jaws wide open. I could tell Jason was fuming over there.. I kinda pulled a mr steal yo girl.. It made me smile. I still can't believe it though, THE Chrissy cunningham, Hawkins Queen, Sitting at MY table, Eddie muson.

Chrissy looked like she was enojying herself..that made me happy, I didn't expect her to I thought she would've been weirded out.. or something this doesn't happen everday does it now? I'm just surprised she even agreed to sit over here..

The bell rung.

As soon as I walked out I felt someone grab my hand, pulling me back in the lunchroom. It was Chrissy did she need something?

"Chrissy did you need something?" I asked.
"I just wanted to say thank you..for letting me sit with you, I appreciate it.."
She looked up, looking me in my eyes.. her beautiful blue eyes. I put my hand on her cheek, "No problem princess, any time!" I smiled.

After a few hours, the school day finished.

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