Chapter 1

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September, 2019

Jennie flipped the sign on the gallery to "closed" just as she was making to leave. It's the first Wednesday of September and apparently the weather thought that meant it was already time to start acting like it was fall, with heavy cold rain pouring down over the city. Jennie let out a deep breath of annoyance as she realized she was without an umbrella, and it's not her fault because she had checked the weather this morning and the only thing they predicted was bright sunny skies with a high of 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

The weather guys don't know shit about anything.

Well, there was no point in waiting for it to pass, because when it rains it pours for hours. So the brunette lets out one last breath of annoyance, tucking her phone in her front pocket to guard it from the upcoming onslaught of water about to drench her. She even wore her nice heels today.

Jennie booked it down the street, already having decided before she left that she wouldn't be going home, instead making a beeline for her best friend's apartment only a few blocks away. It's far enough away that it really doesn't make a different however, as halfway there, just as she's turning down the alley to shortcut her way there she's already dripping wet and fucking freezing.

She lets out a chatter breath of relief when she sees the left side of Lisa's apartment, and rounds the corner, skipping up the small steps and pulling her keys out of her pocket just as she comes face to face with the woman's front door. She shoves her key into the lock and twists it quickly, struggling to pull the key out because her friend's door knob is a big wobbly mess.

She pushes the door open and shuts it quickly behind her so that the rain can't follow her in, even though it had practically already tattooed itself on her skin, she was shaking but was full of relief that Lisa had seemed to ignore the weather man today and had turned her heat on this morning. In fact if Jennie had stopped by this morning with breakfast like she had originally planned Lisa probably would have shoved an umbrella in her hands. She makes a mental note to try and remember that next time.

She knows she'll forget.

"Jennie," She hears the blonde call from the living room, probably seated in the same position Jennie had left her the day before. The girl's current state of mind was not the best and Jennie knew all she could do to help was buy her groceries and visit her often. She's struggled with Lisa's struggles for a while. Though this time was certainly the worst she's ever been and Jennie still doesn't know what to do about it.

"It's me; it's fucking raining Lis," Jennie grunted her annoyance as she shivered her way down the small narrow hallway, passing the archway toward the kitchen and continuing on into the living room.

"I know." Lisa was lying on the couch, a small blanket wrapped around her legs up to her waist, as she propped up against the arm of the couch, a long chapter book sat up in her lap, nearly finished, and a mug full of coffee probably sat on the round table behind her. By the excessive amount of sugar packets Jennie knows she's been there awhile, but really, that's the only thing untidy about Lisa's living room at the moment.

"I'm freezing." Jennie grumbled unhappily as she pulled her phone from her pocket and placed it on the table against the wall beside her as she had entered the room. She put her keys and her purse there too and looked over at Lisa just as she was getting up.

"Here," Lisa came around the couch and covered her shoulders with the soft blanket that had been around her legs. "I'll go find you something warm; there are hot chocolate packets in the tub by the Keurig." Lisa gave Jennie the strongest smile she could manage, which was still pretty weak but Jennie wasn't about to say anything about it. Lisa always smiled for her as a way to let her know she was going to be okay.

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