Chapter 5

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February, 2020

Lisa jumps over the bar the same way she's always scolding Jennie for as her phone's ringtone goes off. She picks it up from the place she had left it by the stove earlier when she had been making Mac N' Cheese and swipes the talk button when she notices the caller ID. "Hey Lis-"

The blonde interrupts Jennie immediately. "I didn't think you'd call back because it's late, I wanted to ask you something." She can hear Jennie breath into her ear and she misses her. She misses her and they've only been apart for a few days.

God this new interesting realization of what this feeling is inside of her might actually kill her before she can fully comprehend it. "What is it? I can't come tonight by the way, I've got this dinner thing with Nayeon and-"

"Taehyung going to be there?" Lisa doesn't bother letting her finish. Part of her doesn't want to hear Jennie say his name because it sparks irrational jealousy. Lisa knows it's irrational. She knows she needs to avoid feeling it but Lisa also knows Jennie finds him cute, Jennie would date him and that thought is just too much. Especially if these feelings are what she thinks they are and Rosé has been right all along.

"Yes Lisa." Jennie chuckles but Lisa only feels the slight dip of her heart at the news.

"You're making me watch the new episode alone?" She asks almost too quietly. She doesn't mean to guilt trip, in fact she won't guilt trip. Jennie spends so much time haled up in her apartment with her that she's sure she might go crazy if she doesn't see other people or do other things.

But Jennie picks up on her disappointment easily. "I'm sorry; I will make it up to you." She says with a slight rush to her tone.

Lisa shakes her head. "No it's okay. You don't have to spend every waking second with me." She tries a laugh but Jennie knows her too well. She's not disappointed with Jennie though, she's only disappointed she won't get to see her.

"Contrary to popular belief, I actually want to spend every waking second with you." Lisa smiles a bit as Jennie chuckles. She leans against the counter as she listens to the brunette breathe a moment before she says anything else. "It's only going to be a few hours but I'm so tired already from the gallery today and I need to paint something, I haven't since Christmas."

"I know. You don't have to explain. I'll wait; we'll watch the episode when you come over after the gym on Thursday?" She asks hopefully and listens in silence as she leans over her counter waiting on Jennie's answer.

It comes after a few minutes. "I can't make this Thursday either." Jennie sounds sheepish and the news plummets Lisa's heart into the depths of her stomach and she isn't sure if she can pull it back up right away to recover and sound okay with the fact that she won't be seeing Jennie for a lot longer than a few days. They rarely go very long without seeing each other.

"Are you kidding?" She says after a moment, her tone a bit cold as she frowns at the television screen across the living room. It's dark and has nothing on it but she needs something to glare at.

"I'm sorry Lis, I'll come over Saturday with groceries?" Jennie tries to compromise. Of course she does because she's perfect and Lisa is just Lisa.

"I can buy my own groceries." She grumbles slightly, resting her chin on her hand as she props up her elbow and slumps down slightly as she listens to her best friend on the other line. Wherever she is currently at, is busy. She can hear lots of voices and even laughs.

"Oh no, your upset." Jennie says with a heavy sigh.

Lisa shakes her head even though Jennie can't see her. "I am not." Only disappointed that she won't be able to see her soon but she doesn't mean to make that obvious. If Jennie can't make it for a little while she can't make it. Lisas will survive. She wants Jennie to go and have fun or hang out with other people without constantly worrying about her.

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