Chapter 13

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November, 2021

"Hi Mr. Manoban." Jennie says rather formally to a man she's known most of her life.

It manages to crack a smile onto his lips though. "Please Jennie, it's always-"

"Marco, I know." Jennie chuckles and plops down in a seat across from him as she waits for Lisa to come downstairs. They have plans for dinner at their favorite diner they used to go to all the time when they were in high school and Lisa was taking forever to get ready. Jennie had half a mind to walk up there and ask her what was taking so long but she decided she'd be patient. "So what are your plans this year Marco?" Jennie asks instead, gaze focusing on the glossy eyes of her best friend's father.

"Plans?" He asks quietly, a bit stiff as his eyes move from her back to the television, some kind of football game highlights on that Jennie can barely bother to pay attention too.

Jennie wonders how Lisa lived with this for so long when it's only been ten minutes and she's feeling slightly suffocated already. "Yes, for chuseok with Lisa?" She pushes on even though she already knows the answer. She knows how Marco spends his chuseoks and she knows how she and Lisa spend theirs.

"Oh, I don't know. Probably just watch the game." Jennie frowns as his eyes stay glued to the television. They don't look up even as Lisa comes down the stairs.

With a girl as beautiful as Lisa descending from her second floor Jennie really doesn't care to have a one-sided conversation with the old man much longer? Instead her eyes focus on her best friend, examining the slight pout that causes her lower lip to jut out. "I can't find my coat." She says in a quiet tone, sweeter than Jennie was expecting but it's not unpleasant in any way.

She quite likes it when Lisa uses that voice, she doesn't get to hear it very often. "You need that one?" She asks, sitting up in her chair ready to leave at any moment. She can't think of a better way to spend her evening than eating diner food with Lisa. Most of her fondest memories of high school at all had Lisa in them... not that, that's surprising really.

"It's my warmest one and it looks nice." Lisa's lip seems to jut out more, her eyes sad as she thinks about the lost article of clothing and Jennie's heart is already expanding to make room for how in love she is whenever Lisa is being so Lisa in her presents.

Jennie sighs. "Here," Jennie stands up and shrugs out of her jacket, one that she knows Lisa likes because she's borrowed it plenty of times in the past. She'll stop by her house and get a different one, right now Lisa is more important.

"Jennie it's cold, you need that." Lisa seems to protests, the pout on her face instead replaced by something else in her eyes and Jennie really loves it when Lisa looks at her like that so she does nothing but smile and take a step toward her best friend.

"Shh, it'll look better on you anyway." Jennie holds it open and Lisa rolls her eyes as she leans down to slide into it. When it's on she turns toward Jennie and lets the brunette button it up, she does so slowly, despite the urgency she feels to get going, mostly because she was hungry and because any time alone with Lisa at a diner is time well spent.

"I'll be back in a few hours okay Dad." Lisa's eyes are on her father now as Jennie finishes up the buttons and the brunette admires the small admiring look she gives him despite his absence of happiness and attentiveness. She also admires the line of her jaw and the way she had done her eyeliner before she looks away to check over the jacket, like it wasn't as simple as buttoning it up.

"If you want to stay with Jennie tonight that's okay." Marco says and Jennie turns to look at him, making sure she stands close enough to Lisa that if she wanted to she could reach out and wrap her arm around Lisa's waist and pull her body close to her own.

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