1 - Laminde

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Today he seemed a bit more excited than usual. He waited impatiently for me to finalize who would pick up our daughter. He tapped his foot and bit his bottom lip. He also looked an extra kind of handsome - the type that beamed with affection. I knew that look too well. The nervousness, the twinkling eye, and his fidgety fingers. It was evident. Like he once fell for me, he was falling for her.

My bones ached and I felt exhausted. I was in no shape for a school run. He glanced over at me, pointing to the clock above our family picture. It was almost time. I nodded in approval for him to go ahead and pick her up. He leapt like a child at a candy store and soon bolted out the door. This time, he did not look back. He did not even blow me the usual air-kiss. My air-kiss. It hurt. So bad. Already?

There was the man who once cradled my heart within his chest, right next to his. Now it felt as if he had detached himself of me. My husband promised to never hurt me, yet here I am hurting. In my maiden days, I was a love skeptic, turning away suitors and running from admirers. Then came along Idris - my first of all firsts. Never have I loved another. I would not know how to take interest in another man. Not even if he died before me. We were inseparable, but who was I to stop the inevitable?

Just like time flowed, I felt myself slipping away as I saw him slipping away too.

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