9 - Idris

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She asked, "In Paradise, who would you choose as a wife?"

Frailty did not conceal her beauty nor her cheeky spirit. I held her hands, breathing into them to keep warm, wondering how I would give this woman my life.

"You must think me a jealous crazy lady," said Laminde. "That I would ask such a question."
"It will always be you, my crazy lady," I said "No one else."

She coughed, wheezing in between breaths, with tears streaming from her enchanting eyes that captured my soul.

"Hang on. Your mother is on her way. She just dropped the children at Zeenaru's house."
Laminde snickered weakly, "You know that Death won't claim a soul in front of a loving mother. She will likely meet a corpse."

The moment she said so, my eyes stung with tears and I struggled to speak as I kissed her hands. "Why then would it take you when I'm right here holding you? I'm not ready to let go."

Agonizing pain consumed my being as I wrapped my arms around Laminde and laid her head on my chest. The heartbeat that gave me life got fainter. And I felt my heart slow down along with hers. If only I had the kiss of life to defeat death, I'd taste the pain away from her heart and my soul. Instead, my useless lips trembled.

She closed her eyes, smiled and declared her faith. Time came to a screeching halt and the silent breath that escaped her was the loudest noise I ever heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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