3 - Idris

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At first, I was not sure. Kai! I never thought it would be possible. I have loved only Laminde. The first time I saw her was the day I came home from my university graduation. That day she had come over to study for entrance exams with my sister. I passed the children's living room humming a song and immediately back tracked to get a better look at the beauty who was reading quietly on the sofa.

Engrossed in the pages in front of her, she did not notice me standing foolishly like a scarecrow. I said nothing and took in her facial expressions. Time stood still. There was a fondness I never felt before. A delightfulness came over me and I knew at that moment my heart was lost to her.

I walked in the room, acting cool to get her attention. She did not notice me. I cleared my voice. She was still stuck in her book. She did not take her eyes off that dumb book. When she got into university, I applied to the same one for my masters. Well, no. Truth is, I went for my missus. Though she gave me a tough time before agreeing to be an item, it was worth every effort (tears, sweat, and all). It was time well spent wooing the love of my life.

When Laminde told me about Zeenaru, I did not expect to see her as perfectly as Laminde described her. She made a new friend who she believed was an excellent mother. She said Zeenaru was someone she could trust with her children. I saw it too. It may not have been love at first sight, but there was an ease about her the first time I met her. In time, I developed interest.

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