Love me or Leave

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"Why can't you see I'm hurting?" Felix said to the taller boy with tears in his eyes. "Can't you see I'm tired of this?"

"I know baby, I'm tired too." Hyunjin rubbed his hand over Felix's cheek trying to calm down the saddened boy. "If you're tired then leave her, you have the ability to stop this."

"Felix you know it's not that easy. My parents are forcing this onto me."

Felix was becoming frustrated, "Hyunjin you're a grown man. Your parents don't make decisions for you anymore, you do. Or are you just going to let them control you forever?"

Now it was Hyunjin who was becoming angry. "You know how much power they have. Can't you just be happy that I love you."

Felix stood up and looked Hyunjin straight in the eyes with his own glossy ones, "you say you love me, but you're still marrying her. Either love me, or leave."

Hyunjin was stunned. He didn't know what to say. He loved Felix, he honestly did. It's just he couldn't seem to escape from the talons of his parents.

Felix took his silence as an answer, "I gave you a choice. Have fun with your fiance, goodbye Hyunjin." Felix gave Hyunjin one last kiss and left out the door. The tears blinded his vision as he hurriedly got in his car.

"Why, why is my life falling apart?" Felix spoke to himself as tears dripped from his face and onto his shaking hands. He started the car and drove away from Hyunjin's house.

Hyunjin watched out the window, it hurt his heart seeing the love of his life crying. He wanted to choose Felix, he really did, he just froze. He doesn't want to know the consequences of not marrying the woman they picked out for him.

His parents chose Hyunjin's choices since the day he could talk. They decided what he ate, what he drank, what he learned, how he dressed, eho he was friends with, what college he'd attend, what his future job would be. Now they even went as far as choosing who he loved.

But he didn't love her. His heart belonged to one person. The person he just hurt. Hyunjin took a deep breath, "it's better this way. Felix deserves better than me. He'll get past me."

Hyunjin wanted to say he'd get over Felix, but he knew he wouldn't. Felix was the one he loved, Felix was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

His parents just didn't understand.


"Hyunjin you should be dressed," the old woman scolded. He didn't dare think of that woman as his mother. She was simply someone who birthed and raised him. She didn't do a good job on the mental mother status. To her, Hyunjin was just a pawn in her little perfect life.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the suit before leaving the room and to the dressing room. He mumbled profanities as he put the wedding suit on. How he wished he could be cuddled up to Felix instead of being here.

He was about to be wedded to a witch. She was certainly not the one Hyunjin wanted to marry. He just couldn't get enough courage to actually tell his parents off.

He finally fixed up the final part of the suit and walked back out where the woman put him in a chair and snapped at some younger women who came to put makeup on his face.

"Make sure you cover up that awful mole under his eye. I don't want to be able to see it," the old woman said in a harsh tone to the younger women.

Hyunjin clenched his jaw but remembered what Felix told him. He told him not to listen to what his mother said about his mole. Felix would kiss it and tell him it was an angels kiss and Hyunjin would smile and look at him with all the love in his eyes.

Hyunjin smiled just thinking of the memories with the younger. "Wipe that smile from your face."

He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "Yes ma'am."


Hyunjin stood at the end of the carpet and watched as a woman made her way down the walkway that was filled with rose petals.

This felt wrong. Hyunjin always imagined his wedding as the best day ever. Like a fairytale come to life, with the person he loved the most. But this...

This was wrong. It felt wrong. And Hyunjin couldn't get rid of the gut wrenching feeling. It only got worse when she neared.

He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be somewhere else with someone else.

He reluctantly grabbed the woman's hands in his own. It didn't feel right either, he liked the feeling of Felix's soft small hands in his own. Not this woman's bony fingers.

The man next to them talked more but Hyunjin couldn't hear them, only his own thoughts.

"-be your lawfully wedded wife?"

The room was silent. Hyunjin looked from the woman's smiling face to the audience where his parents sat glaring at him and motioning him to speak.

And he did exactly that.

"I do not. I don't love this woman."

The crowd gasped and the old woman rushed from her husband's spot to where her son stood smiling. She smacked him harshly, not caring about the people who were watching.

"You will marry this woman and that is the end of it." She said with a stern voice. Hyunjin only smiled, "you're supposed to marry the person you love and care for. I don't even know this woman. Therefore I do not love her, so I will not be marrying her. You will no longer be controlling my life. Fuck you!"

He threw the ring down and left the building to find the one he desired to be with. He ran all the way to the boys house and knocked eagerly, over and over.

"Shit, I'm going I'm going damn!" Hyunjin heard from the other end of the door and couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh.

Felix opened the door and raised an eyebrow, "what are you doing here?"
Hyunjin ignored the question and hugged Felix. Felix was hesitant to hug back, "Hyu-"

"I love you. I chose you, I always will." Hyunjin said into Felix's neck. Felix smiled, "I love you too hyunjin."

Hyunjin leaned away from the hug and kissed Felix, a long and passionate kiss filled with love. "I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused you baby." Hyunjin said as he moved away a strand of Felix's hair from his eyes.

"It was worth this moment." Felix smiled. "Nice suit." He couldn't help but to tease.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "haha very funny," his mood instantly changed and he went back to happy, "I told her off! I finally did it!"

Felix smiled and hugged Hyunjin again, not caring that he was slightly sweating. "I'm so proud of you baby." He kissed Hyunjin on the cheek and brought him inside his house.

"What did you tell her?"

Felix sat Hyunjin on the couch before crawling in his lap like he always did. "I told her I didn't love that woman and wasn't going to marry her. Then I told her she was no longer going to control my life and then I said 'fuck you'."

Felix gasped, "I'm so proud of you finally standing up to that bitch." Felix hugged Hyunjins neck and kissed it softly.

Hyunjin smirked, "how about you show me how proud you are of me."
Felix rolled his eyes, "you couldn't just let the moment be cute could you?"

Hyunjin chuckled, "I love you so much Felix. You and only you."

He couldn't help but smile, "I love you too Hyunjin," and kissed the elder softly.

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