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i grit my teeth i try wiggling my leg out of the second rope it slowly starts to get un done I hear talking in the next room and panic shit I had to get this un done quick.

Soon both legs are free and I slip out pretty easy since you know..no hand it finally came in handy with the rope dangling from my other arm I stand up.

My head whips around when the door opens I look back at my friends.

"I'll be right back I promise!" I whisper before hurrying into another room and leaning against the door to listen.

"Wait where the fuck is the other one!?" The old man's voice says

"I don't know!"

"You where is he!"

"I'm not telling you shit!" I hear ryan spit back then a hard bang. Fuck please don't hurt him.

"He couldn't have gone far look that way I'll check this way"

"Alright" I hear footsteps walking towards the room I was in a look around for anything and see a gun that could work!

I hurry to it and check sadly it didn't have amo but it could still work.

I stand ready at the door as I watch the knob slowly move the poor slowly opens and using the back of the gun I hit it right in the man's face sending him too the ground knocked out cold.

I look down at him and poke him with the tip of the gun and yep he was knocked out good..

I drop the gun and run over to my friends I see ryan had a new black eye I get on my knees and start to untie his legs as he looks down at me once his legs were free I move on to his arms.

It was going to be faster with Ryan free to help me untie.

Soon everyone was untied ryan walks over to me and hugs me I smile and hug back.

"Alright now we have to get out of this house"

"But how.."

We all gasp when the front door burst open and a man with redish hair stands there with a gun.

"Max!?" Laura gasp running to him and hugging him.

"You guys are okay!" He smiles

"Ya dylan untied us" Kaitlyn says pointing to me

"Nice" max nods

"Now we need to find a way out of here!"

"You aren't going anywhere" we all turn and see an older woman with the same big man with overalls standing behind her and a man in a police uniform.

"You guys are going to sit your asses back down"

"Fuck that tell us why the fuck you kidnapped us!" Laura yells

"Shut you mouth and do as I say or we can do it the hard way"

"Fuck you." Laura says

"Bobby you know what to do" she says and the big guys starts walking toward us.

"Run!!" Kaitlyn yells I take Ryan's hand and start running I close a door behind me panting I gasp as someone bangs on the door.

"You can't hide!" A man's voice says I hadn't heard this man's voice before he must have been the cop.

"Ryan help me!" I whisper shout ryan hurrys and helps me push a dresser infront of the door.

We both step away as the banging stops.

"Shit" I pant holding my chest

"Did you see where the others ran too?"

"No I didn't everyone just ran in different directions"

"Okay crap thats not good"

"We have to find everyone and get the hell out of here"

I look around but there was no way out of this room but a window and the door we came from.

"How do we get out?"

"We can climb out the window and see if we can get into another room from the outside"

"Alright smart" I say walking to the window and pushing it open I step aside and let ryan go first then climb out after him we quietly walk to another window and peak in.

"Alright this one seems safe"
Ryan says slowly opening it and climbing in scanning around.

"Hands up or ill shoot!!" Someone shouts jumping out from behind a dresser ryan let's out a scream.

"Kaitlyn it's me!" Ryan says waving his hands around

"Ryan what the fuck?!" She pants I peak over the window seal and Kaitlyn sees me.

"Dylan just get in here before someone sees you" she rolls her eyes I climb in and close the window behind me.

"Is it just you in here?" Ryan ask

"Ya" she nods

"Alright any clue where the others went"

"Uhm I think emma and abi should be around here they were behind me well we were running away"

"Alright let's find them" ryan says

This was like hide and seek but if we were caught we were probably going to be killed or very badly beat up..

So I really don't want to be caught.

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