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Dilpickle~ tomorrow!

Nickel~ whoop whoop!

Emushka~ can't wait!

Dilpickle~ as much as I would love to sjt and chat i must go back to work

Abisnail~ bye dylan!

Nickel~love you 💋

Ry-guy~ I swear I'm losing brain cells texting you guys

Dilpickle~ you love us ;)

Ry-guy~ya okay 😑

I smile and turn my phone off and putting it in my locker and heading back to work.

"How was your break"

"Fine had to text my weird friends"

"Dylan your the Weird friend"

"Oh shush"

The rest of work was fine it was work nothing special about it but finally my shift was over I walk all the way back to my dorm and get up to my floor and head to my room setting my bag down on my desk and taking off my shoes I sigh and lay on my bed.

I take out my phone and text emma.

~hey em what time are we leaving tomorrow?

Em☆~ I'll come get you at seven at night ofc then we go get kaitlyn then we head out

~kk sounds good

I turn my phone off and head to my desk taking of my textbooks and start studying what we were learning in class.

It's what I do on my spare time tho it can get super boring atleast it helps I'm passing all my classes for right now can't wait till exams and test start.

I look at the door when it opens Markus walks in sliding his shoes off.

"Studying again?" He smiles


"Nerd" he laughs walking by messing up my hair

"Ya ya" I smile and roll my eyes

"So any plans for tomorrow?"

"Ya actually it's my friends birthday so we're all going to the movies"

"Oooo fun I sadly have class"


Markus puts in his headphones and starts typing at his computer as I do pit my headphones in and press shuffle on my playlist.

Hey lover by wabie

I smile as the song starts to play as I flip through the pages in my textbook.

I spot a small paper on my page it was a little stick man saying you got this Kaitlyn gave it to me on the first day of class because I was so nervous.

I close the book and place it on my desk before I walk over to my bed and lay down listening to the song.

I guess I fell asleep because when I open my eyes again it was pretty dark I look at the clock and see it was 7 I sit up and look around and see Markus was gone I get up and slide my shoes on.

There was one thing I loved doing at night I would go down to the lobby and walk down to the art room the art teacher was super cool and mot of the times would leave the door open as she says.

I think it's good to let kids have a time to themselves not having to impress anyone and just draw,paint or just let your creative out. And so what if they steal its art stuff there is thousands more.

Like I said super cool I get to the lobby and head to the art room I see the room slight lit by a calming blue light I push the door open slightly and see the room filled with art even the walls were painted.

I liked looking at all the art stuff I smile as I looked at all the special arts that people made I whip my head around when I hear the door open.

"Oh sorry I didn't think anyone was in here" a girl says it was the girl from the party and from the Cafe.

"Oh hi again" I smile

"Oh hi!"she smiles placing a box down on the table

"Whats that?"

"Oh its my art project" she says taking out a 3D landscape my jaw drops Holy shit it was amazing.

"That is amazing"

"Oh thanks" she smiles before placing it on the teachers desk leaving a note.

"It was a day late sadly" she says placing the note next to the piece.

"Better late then never" I shrug

"Exactly!" She says

"So what are you doing in here?" She ask

"Just looking"

"You not going to do anything?"

"Oh no I'm not very good at art"

"Oh everyone is in there own way" she smiles
She walks passed me I look down at her as she alot smaller then me atleast up to my elbow or was I just tall?

"Here let's draw something" she hands me a paper and grabs on for herself and sits down at a desk I sit infront of her as she draws perfect lines like it's nothing.

"So your in band right?" She saysstill looking at her paper

"Oh ya"

"Nice I'm in the debate team"

"Wow really"


"You don't seem like that type"

"Ya I get that alot" she chuckles a bit I watch as she starts to shade her drawing her light fading pink hair covering her hair.

"I like your hair"

"Oh thanks I have to re dye it soon if you can't tell it's very faded" she says holding a strand of hair.

"Have you ever dyed your hair?" She looks at me


"I feel like deep blue would suit you" she says scanning my hair

"But like strikes of it or just at the tips" she says

"It was never something I thought about really"

"Ya I get that but you hair looks super healthy"

"Ya I need to cut it soon"


"Its getting pretty long I have like curtains for my eyes" I say covering my eyes with my hair I hear her giggle

"I think it looks good long" she smiles

"Wait give me a second" she says turning to her bag she she searches in it until she pulls at a hair tie.

"Can I touch your hair?"

"Oh uhm go ahead?"

She gets up and walks behind me she starts playing with my hair and ties it up.

"You look great with a ponytail!" She smiles handing my her phone I look at the camera and see she put my hair up in a ponytail a small one letting a bit of hair dangle out.

"Not to bad" I say handing back her phone.

"You should think about doing it more often"

moving on {Dylan x Ryan}Where stories live. Discover now