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I gasp bringing my head up out of the water I whip my head around to see the kids laughing and so was ryan he was just trying to hold it in.

"Oh your on" I grin standing up grabbing Damion he yelps as I throw him over my shoulder.

"Oh god I'm sorry!" He says I just grin walking into the deeper part and dropping him in he floats back up and splashs me.

I laugh and splash him back until it was just the two of us just splashing each other back and forth.

"Dinner time!" Nick shouts

"Alright kids gets dried up" I say leading them out of the water handing the towels.

They all hurry off following the rest of the kids to dinner I cross my arms and turn to ryan.

"I saw you holding in you laugh"

"I'm my defense it was very funny seeing a bunch of small kids drag you down"

"Ya ya" I pout ryan pats my back before walking off joining the rest of the gang. I hurry hurry run to catch up with them after supper we head to the fire.

"Is ryan telling on of his ghost story's again" a kid says looking scared

"No not tonight" Kaitlyn says standing up

"This is a different story" she says hands on her hips.

On dark summer night seven teens wanted to have one last party before they would have to part ways..

But then nasty monsters came and attacked the teens!

But the teens were strong and out up a fight killing the awful monsters ofcourse damaged in their epic battle.

Kaitlyn says walking around the fire with her story telling voice on.

"Were they badly hurt?"a girl ask

"Well I don't know do you dylan" Kaitlyn smiles at me grin and jump to my feet.

"Oh do I know"

Those monsters put up a great fight but so did those amazing powerful teens one may have loft a body part in the process but that's not important.

"That's so important!" A kid gasp

"I don't know if you guys are tuff enough to hear the details.." I say

"We are!" Some kids speak up

"Well alright then.."

The hungry hungry monster saw these teens as food as two teens parted ways with the rest walking deeper into the woods..

Just then the monster jump out infront of the two!

The monster bit down on one's hand taking it clean off!

I say placing a hand on my chest Kaitlyn stands next to me and smiles.

But the teens got stronger and smarter and killed every last one of those awful monsters and lived on another day!

She finished the kids gasp and started clapping.

"Wow time to up my story telling" ryan says I roll my eyes and laugh sitting back down.

"Who wants smores?"


Soon the kids were fast asleep in their cabins I stood in the bathroom in the males cabin brushing my teeth.

I spit out the left over tooth paste and put my brush away turning off the lights and heading over to my bunk I climb onto the bottom bunk and look across from me to see ryan.

I smile and give him a small wave he smiles and waves back before jacob turns the light off and climbing onto the the bunk above me I sigh and lay on my back looking up even tho there was bot much to see.

I turn to the bed next to me and see nick passed put I look over at ryan who was calmly sleeping.

I take a deep breathe before closing my eyes and drifting off the sleep.

"Wakey wakey!" I sit up in a panic I rub my eyes whipping my head around and scream when I see jacob staring at me.

"Hey man it's just me I come in peace"

"Shit man don't scare me like that"

"Sorry but we gotta wake the the kids"

I groan and get up and search around my bag for something to wear I finish getting ready and head outside and see the kids already out if there cabins.

"Breakfast time!" Nick says leading the kids to the cafeteria I slowly follow behind looking around at the trees and the birds before we all walk Inside and sit down.

After breakfast I head up to the radio hut and turn on some music before heading back down today i was doing arts and crafts with abi.

So I find where she is placed and join her.

"Hey" she smiles at me

"Hey" I smile back

I sit on the grass as abi goes through the steps with the kids then watch them try for themselves sometimes helping out if they need it other then that I just sat looking around at all the other campers.

Nick was teach them how to build a small stick fire.

Jacob was doing the sports.

Emma was doing animal learning all she did was give the kids a small booklet and they walked around trying to find the animals in the book.

Kaitlyn was doing archery.

And ryan was watching the beach again.

After the kids were done there craft we carefully bring them back to the art room and put them on display.

Once we walk back to the main group we see another car pull into the parking lot I stare at it confused when the doors open and Two people step out one man and one girl.

It took me a second to place them I had no idea who the guy was but I did know who the girl was...

Laura kearney..

moving on {Dylan x Ryan}Where stories live. Discover now