Chapter 1

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I shouldn't make this book, I still have so many to finish, but i may or may not post this book till it's done.
Anywho I'll try to have a key for the "lingo" in the chapters.

Ok mama byrd out~

Bold things ~ are thoughts portrayed by whoever's POV it is

Italic things ~ is when you speak your original language, (I use english)

Regular things ~ you're speaking korean (good job)

(F/N) ~ your first name

(L/N) ~ Your last name


Today the bus was Crowded with people. I didn't grab onto anything because I couldn't lift my hand up. I was pushed around a bit, but i can't fault them. The bus was going over some crazy pot holes.

"You think the government would use my tax money to fix these potholes." I said in english, "Excuse me, showing your presence is already an insult, when you're in our land, you speak our language, if you can even understand what i'm saying" a random girl said. "I understand ma'am, I apologize. And might I say you look like a bitch in that outfit," I replied with a smile.

"Why thank you," she said adjusting her bun. "Yeah, and that piece of broccoli in your teeth really brings out your eyes," I told her pointing to her mouth. She must have thought i was referring to her lipstick because she smiled and looked away. "Thank you, you're to kind," she said sarcastically.

"What a hypocrite," I thought to myself. I could feel my phone vibrate in my jacket pocket, i knew it was from Eun-yoo since I was pretty late for our meet up. I try to reach for it with out bumping the people next me.

I reach in my pocket, but my phone stopped vibrating. I searched around and found my cigarettes. I was trying to quit smoking, so I would buy faulty cigarettes. Depending on how far along on recovery you were, you could buy a pack with only a certain amount of nicotine and other chemicals.

I was on 35% and my package was a light pink, the color represents the amount of chemicals, the lighter the lesser, and the color was the flavour. I usually get apple cinnamon or berry blast, because both taste and smell great.

The bus finally stopped just less than a mile from were I lived, Green Home Mansion Apartments. The roads just got worse and worse until it lead to a dead end. So to avoid the possiblity of popping a tire and haven't to make a u-turn the driver usually stops several blocks away.

As soon as i got out, I pulled out my pack of cigarettes. Then the previous lady smacked it under the bus, "You shouldn't be be smoking, you're too young," she said smirking. "I know that's why im trying to quit you hag," I said walking away.

The was a convince store on the way there so i pulled out my phone and texted Eun-yoo.

Hey, it's gonna be a little while before I get there, some girl threw my cigs under the bus. Planning on picking some up on the way. You need anything?

Another pack, please?

Yeah yeah. On my way. Start with out me, you have my songs on your thingy.

It's called an MP4 grandma.

Whatever, just practice. And watch your ankle, please.

Got it.

I looked up and saw the store. I jog a bit to it, my jacket flapping in the wind. I tried to push the door open, buy it wouldn't budge, I seen a man inside he either looked to be a bum or a gangster. He was look at green tape. I started to tape on the glass, "Hey. Hey! The door is locked, can you unlock it," I said still taping on the glass.

Smoking Isn't Attractive (Pyeon Sang-Wook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now