Chapter 9

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...Heyyyy guys. So save you the sadness, my grandma died on Thanksgiving, my brother had a seizure almost died less than a week after my grandma, fund love, then didn't, and mild depression. We good now though, and I wanted you to know I never forgot this book it was always on the back of my mind trying to find when and how to update it.

Welp we gonna go off road in this story meaning practically everything from this show isn't going to be in here sorry not sorry. Also my heart stopped, I couldn't find Sweet home on Netflix but God did I miss this intro.

Mama Byrd out~ 🫀


Everybody was in silence apart from the occasional sniffle, Jae-heon was a friend to all I can't image how close he got with everyone. He was one of the few that made in impact in this building, hell on this world most likely.

As Eun-heok finishes the grave Mr. Ahn puts a paper flower on it, "you died when you should have lived, and I lived whe I should have been the one to die." Nobody protested, I reliazed in this world you can't always change somebody's death wish.

You can help but you can never change, it's always up to them in the end, and you shouldn't bring it on yourself for their decisions.

I heard foot scraping across the dirty room, the only person with a known limp. I'm sure Ji-soo suffered the greatest from this loss.

I walked away, but not to find her or even help her. I needed to stop that, stop worrying about others if they ask for help I'll do it but I should watsemy breath on someone who won't listen.

I walk into the bathroom and look at myself, my eyes were blood shot and there was some dried blood on my sleeves and face. Whether it was from Jae-heon or my coughing fit didn't concern me.

I'm not safe anymore. These terrors are getting to me, and I'll have to make a desicion to leave or be killed. I'm a freak, a monster and it's not just me who sees that.

The blood I cough up is close to pitch black and my skin has been starting to lose pigmentation. I'm not just sick anymore, I'm almost dead.

As I wash, or splash water on my face, I start to think about my future with Sang-Wook, how would this work, he's human.

Everything was to much and I started to cry, I didn't want to but I had to. Droplets drizzled into the sink as I could feel my nose tighten.

I couldn't hold on longer, if I could killed a monster I could kill a human. I wanted comfort, for somebody to tell me it's going to be OK, I wanted to be in denial.

I didn't want to be this thing anymore.

I wanted a normal life, with sang-wook. I could feel blood pour from nose, as I hit the sink I did nothing to stop it.

After a while I was so tired of everything. I need to leave. I cleaned up what ever I needed to and left the bathroom.

I pass by the burial room and see Sang-wook pouring the left over alcohol over Jae-heon's grave. I walk past and get to front entrance and I see everybody there as usual.

I go over and start to move signs out the way, everybody just stares nobody moving. As I get a few out I hear tire and rubble, as I look closer a large army like car is heading full speed for the entrance and they aren't slowing down.

"Everybody move there's an amoured van an they're about to ram into the buil-" I get cut off by rapid screaming and running whilst the entrance is blown wide open.

As the van plows in it leaves a heavy amount of sawdust and rubble from outside to infiltrate causing a foggy state.

I could barely make out people, armed, stepping out. Something in my snapped and I could feel my nose bleeding, I somewhat turned into a monster and scampered off. Making my way through the building, as I hear screaming behind me.

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