Chapter 7

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It's funny how I just realized that Sweet home is officially getting a new season. Also thank you all so much for 150+ reads. You all are so kind thank you and I just woke up so if things are misspelt I apologize.

Also the gif above is a witch fron left 4 dead, you dont have body or and outfit like her, just the skin tone and hands.

Mama Byrd out~


We all scatter, hiding under cars and behind pillars. I peeked my head out from behind a pillar and seen Eun-yeok and Jae-heon under a car, the monster was closing in on them. I turn back around and close my eyes.

I heard a car alarm close by, and than another, and than another. All had glass breaking following after them. Me, Sang-Wook, Ji-soo, and a still unconscious Hyun-soo make a break for it. Than the car we were infront of alarm went off.

We all fall to the ground, and look over at the monster, Sang-wook holds me down and pulls his sledgehammer up. The monster runs towards us, but gets hit by a van. Jae-heon opens the sliding door and tells us to hurry up.

Eun-yeok quickly hops out the driver seat and into the back seat, "what are you doing," I shouted at him, "I don't know how to drive," he replies. I hop in the drivers seat and Sang-Wook gets in next to me, leaning his back on the dashboard instead of the seat.

"Thank god, it's not manual," I whisper before stomping on the gas. Monsters fly over our car as we hit them or as they jump on. The car starts to collapse as more and more monsters hop on it, denting the roof, breaking windows and hurdling themselves on the windshield. One ended up grabbing ji-soo and tried pulling her out the window.

"Hold on," I shouted trying to swerve the car. I don't know what happened, but everything seem to be ok, but than a huge arm broke the drivers window and was on top of me and Sang-Wook. I tried to shock it with my knuckles but nothing worked. Its body than appeared out of nowhere and covered the windshield.

I started to swerve a bit, yelling swear words and things like 'i cant see'. We than crash into something, and all quickly filed out. We all start running me and Sang-Wook grabbed Hyun-soo, who was starting to gain consciousness, and tried our best to catch up with the others.

I could hear the fast monster behind us before it got engulfed in flames, courtesy of Mr. Ahn. He starts to sway the flamethrower, lighting most of monsters on fire. We start to run up back to the 1st floor, when we heard monster shrieks. I heard Su-yeong yell something and I run up faster wanting to see if she was safe.

When I got there I seen a spider monster who was burning alive, but soon extinguished. I ran to Su-yeong and pulled her away. I saw Sang-Wook and Jae-heon take an injured Han Du-sik away and Ms. Cha came over and took Su-yeong from me.

I seen hyun-soo run towards the monster stabbing in, giving it a high electric shot. It started to stab hyun-soo over and over again until it collapsed on him, I started to get worried and again felt my skin crawling, I started to breathe heavier and got down on all fours.

My fingers and arms grew longer and I started to literally see red, I felt eveybody's heart start to race faster. I ran at the monster and knocked it off Hyun-soo. I started to plummet my fingers into the monster face and body, tearing off it's legs. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over at who it was.

It was hard to tell, until I heard his voice "(F/N), please control yourself," I could recognize it as Hyun-soo, his heart beat was calm and slow, almost like he knew I could hear it. I slowly stood up and and felt myself slowly changing back. I was exhausted and leaned up against a near by pole. I looked at the others.

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