Chapter 8

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Im about to stop bolding these intro's and because it's my story and I do what I want, Jin-eun, i think that's her name, isn't going to get shot, because she didn't really have to die, it seemed more like a last minute thing. Also you can't be apart of the surgery since it goes on during the outside seen which I find strange. I thought what they were doing was only a temporary fix my I guess not. Also when I read the top part I thought of  part of 9 11. Anywho...

Mama byrd out~

I was slowly becoming cohesive to the situation. I knew I was upside down, but didn't know why. "Hey, wake up," I heard a muffle voice say, "it hurts," I gurgle "make the pain go away."

I could taste the blood in my mouth, "I don't know who you are," I slowly start to say, "but can you promise to tell Sang-Wook, that I love him."

"He wants you to know that he loves you too," the stranger said. They managed to get my seat belt off and pick me up out of the car, I heard a large explosion and my eyes went wide.

"What- I, what's going on, S-Sang-wook," I felt my breathing get quicker and felt my lungs take less and less oxygen. I started to feel light headed, but Sang-Wook lightly grabbed my face and held it, I heard a large growl and leaned in, my face was buried in his neck, I could smell the ash and light smell of my (flavour) cigarettes.

I started to calm down, I peaked my head away from his neck, and look into his eyes. "I said it didn't, I finally told you," I looked deep into his eyes, "how'd you know," he asked staring right back into mine. "You never looked at me this way before."

Suddenly a loud thud happen along with a monsters growl. Sang-wook sticks his head out and we run back towards the garage, I yell out for hyun-soo and see Mr. Ahn, they start to follow is as we make our way to the garage.

After we got in we all went our separate ways. I was trying to track down that dude with glasses, but couldn't find them. I ended up back in the store where I seen Jae-heon just staring at the shot of alcohol infront of him.

I walk back behind the counter and look for any faulty cigarettes, but I only find a squashed pack of my old ones the same ones Sang-Wook smoked.

I grab them and sit across from jae-heon. "I won't tell him if you won't," I joked talking about Sang-Wook. I light one up and quickly took in a huff, i started to cough, feeling the nicotine fill my lungs. I took another hit and it went more smoothly I heard footsteps behind me, I knew exactly who it was but didn't stop.

"You're back, there's nothing left to steal," Jae-heon jokes, "you're so diligent," I giggle taking another hit. I look over at Jae-heon and see him down a good three shots before Sang-wook stops him. He looks over at me and down at the pack of cigarettes on the table.

He grabs the lit cigarette out of my hand and crushed it, throwing the pack on the floor. "Ay, what did you do that for," I yelled at him, "don't be a hypocrite." "What's going on here he finally asked looking in between me and Jae-heon.

"What did you two grab at your first birthday ceremony," Jae-heon asked with a smile, "what." Sang-wook looked confused at jae-heon, he than pointed to me, asking me to answer. "When I was adopted My mother always said, the first thing I grabbed was my brothers nose, and the first thing he grabbed was mine," I said fondly looking back at the memory.

Sang-wook was still confused so I explained it to him, "you put a pencil, money, and thread in front of a child. If they pick the money, they'll be rich. If pencil, they will be smart, and the thread meant long life." I finished and all Sang-Wook did was shake his head as he sat between us.

"Doi, you can't remember, your parents tell you or you see it in photos," I crossed my arms and smiled. "Mine were burned," Sang-wook replied not as fondly as me, "I have nothing left."

Smoking Isn't Attractive (Pyeon Sang-Wook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now