Chapter 2

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Mama byrd back at it. Hopefully I don't need to do more improve and can actually stick with the story ok.
Buckle up this is a long one, I already have 1000+ while only 6-7 minutes in
The things I do for love...

Mama byrd out~

Me and Ji-soo made our way down the floor. To find a cracked opened door. "Let me see your bat," I asked her in a hushed voice. She looks at me questionably, but hands me the bat anyway. I push her back a little to be next to the door. I hook the end of the baseball bat in the door handle and pull it, opening the door while it shields us from whatever is inside.

I didn't hear anything so I peeked my head in just to see a man passed out. "Shit," I quickly muttered running in. Ji-soo followed after looking in the door. "Ji-soo, check for any head trauma," I ordered her. She just gave a nod and got close to the boys head.

I run to the door and try to close it, but the locking system was really weak. I decided to just stand by and hold the door. "The door won't lock, I'm just going to stand by it," I said to her I put her bat in the handle and the door frame so it couldn't open. I than hear heavy foot steps, i out my ear against the door and it all went quiet.

I signal to Ji-soo to keep it down, just in case. I knock was at the door, I lean in to look at the peep hole just to see the man. I open the door, "nobody followed you right?" I questioned him, "last time I was here, there was a boy passed out," he said, like it was his only reason to be here, "He's twitching and he passed his check up, so feel free to stay and be our body guard," I joked lightly punching under his shoulder.

He started to smirk again until a light cough was heard from behind. Ji-soo waved awkwardly and pointed towards the twitchy boy. Poor thing looked like he was having a nightmare. "You got it covered from here," He stated looking in my eyes, "Uh, yep we should be good. Don't let that stop you fron staying tho," I replied smiling.

He just nodded and walked towards the stairs. Slowly might I add, almost like he was waiting to see if I was going to follow him or not. I turn back around and close the door, pushing the bat back in place.

"So, was he your husband?" Ji-soo asked holding the boys head on her thigh. "What no no no, I just met him at a corner shop, and keeping running into him," I replied leaning back on the wall and looking at the door. "Small world isn't it," Ji-soo smirked "I guess so," I retaliated still not looking at her.

"(F/N)! You weren't in your room so where are you!" A voiced called, "There's the child, uh like Ji-soo I have to go. Please look after the guy, and uh, lock the door when I leave," I said struggling to open the door. "Good luck," I said saluting her. "Eun-Yoo get over here missy," I shouted running down the stairs. "Appa? Where were you, you scared me so bad?" She asked with a genuine look of betrayal on her face.

"Talk and walk," I said looking at her. As we continue down the stairs I explain to her what I saw. "We don't know where she went though," I finished looking at her, she didn't have as great as a poker face that SangWook had since you could see the fear in her eyes. "W-what a dumb excuse to ignore me," she said zoning out.

All of a sudden a loud bang followed by screaming happened above us, the motion lights were turing on just a few doors up. We start to hurry down the stairs.

Then Eun-yoo takes the wrong step and and falls down a couple of steps, "Eun-yoo, your ankle," I rushed down to get her, "shit," she groans. "I thought you said it was getting better," I rolled her sock down to see it all black and blue.

I help her up and crouched down infront of her, signalling to get on my back, she hops on and I grab her thighs, than we hear footsteps approaching. It was thankfully just Pyeon Sang-Wook. He stops next to me and looks in between me and Eun-yoo. Eun-yoo puts her head on my shoulder and pulls out her phone. "What? I'm just chilling, okay? You can go now," she said scrolling through our previous messages.

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