Chapter 6

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Sorry, I've been procrastinating. I was supposed to watch ST season 4 with my brother and mother, but we rescheduled for tomorrow. So I'm gonna try to pump out Episode 6 and 7 tonight, but again no promises.


Mama Byrd out~

Me and hyun-soo just came back from going up the floors, getting supplies and barricades for Han Du-sik. As if he expected us, Eun-yeok was waiting at the bottom of the stairwell. Like always we handed him our weapons and we on our way to the isolation room. "I have to use the bathroom," I told Eun-yeok without stopping and turned to the other hallway.

I didn't actually have too, I just did it to check up on Sang-Wook. I looked in the door to see if anybody was in and saw nobody. I walked in and seen a set up, like somebody was about to help him, most likely Yu-ri.

I sat down in her chair and looked at Sang-Wook, I traced his scars ever so lightly. I could feel him breathing on my palm. I never seen him so vulnerable before, he looked so peaceful.

I heard somebody walk in and whip my head around, thankfully it was just Yu-ri. "What are you doing in here," she looked at me holding a tray of fabrics. "I was checking in on him," I looked down, almost embarrassed.

"You seen to know somethings about medical care, come here." She walked towards Sang-Wook and tilted his head towards us. "What stitches would clean this up," yu-ri asked pointing to a deep cave in. "Stitches wouldn't work, most of the skin is already dead, so it slowly fall off, staples would work best," I explained carefully moving the hair to see the damaged scalp.

"I think there is a staple in the security room, I already have rubbing alcohol to disinfect it in here, go get the staples while I clean up his head," she said sitting down in the chair and looking at me. I just nod and slowly look out the door, to make sure Eun-yeok wasn't out there.

I was able to get to the security office, but he was in there, I look over to my right to see the security desk. I walk over a silently took the stapler, than I ran out. I could hear the chair he was sitting on squeak as he whipped around.

"Yu-ri I got the stap-," I cut myself off as I see Sang-wook choke Yu-ri. "Yu-ri," I hollered running towards them. As soon as I got there Sang-Wook let go of her and looked at me. "Do it yourself," Yu-ri calmly said lightly tossing the stapler at him. "Make sure to disinfect them," she sassed turing to leave the room.

I watched her leave and pull something out of her pocket, she took a big breath of what I assumed to be an inhaler. I instantly felt sympathy towards her and was going to comfort her until I felt a hand grab mine. I stop and looked behind me just to see Sang-Wook with his head down.

He grips a bit tighter, causing me to flinch a bit. He pulls himself up and walks out the room. I sigh and left the room too, lightly jogging to the store. I open it and go behind the counter, I take a 35% cigarette pack. In the corner of my eye I seen a calendar. It was November first.

I look at the 35% pack and put it back. I felt the old empty one in my pocket and remembered all that happened to me. I grab a 10% one instead of 15%, I put the left over money I had on the register, not like money matter in this society anymore.

I quickly walk to the grave room, not caring if Eun-yeok sees me or not. As I get there I look at the three crosses lined up, I got to a little corner farther away from the graves and start to dig a hole. I put my old pack in there and stare at it. I heard shuffling come in the room and felt a pair of eyes on me.

They looked away and a large thud happened next to me. I look up at whoever it was and I seen Sang-Wook. We were both on our knees but he was still taller, he bent over a bit and started to dig down next to me. After a while he pulled out a set of keys with a yarn turtle on it.

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