Chapter 3

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Two chapters, one day. Feel blessed. None of my other books get this much attention. Poor Noah and Scott. I promise I'll update them soom.

Ok mama byrd out~

Han Du-sik ended up finishing my knuckles earlier, he made the knuckles point out more with old keys, and added an electric charge in between them.

"There are rubber rings that surround the knuckle holes. All you have to do is clench your fist and a small electric shock should appear. The harder you clench it, they stronger the current, you just have to wear these sleeves. They protect the wiring," Han said strapping the sleeves on me.

"Keep out of reach of small children," Han said with a small snicker. I put my fish out for a fist bump, but an electric sarge went through my knuckles. Han rolled away a bit. "Sorry, I didn't-" I got cut off mid sentence to a loud bang.

"Did you hear that?" I asked looming at the door, "Hear what?" Han adjusted his glasses and went to clean up his work bench. "I'm gonna see whats taking them so long," I said walking towards the door. Han let out a "hmm sound as I left his room. I saw the sight less monster from before. Cone into the hallway from the stair well.

I left my shoes in Hans room so I was able to quietly go over to the stair well. I seen children and assumed it was the ones Han sent the guy to get. I tell them to be quiet and grabbed their and we went up the stairs. Just before we could get to the 14th floor doorway, a huge monster appeared behind us.

The girl screamed and I pull both of them to the ground with me. I lifted my head up when I heard a squishy type sound. I saw the sightless man had a weird arm sword thing and stabbed the monster behind us.

I drag the kids right before the bigger monsters pulls the other one into a wall. After that we ran up to my floor. I opened my door and locked it. "Oh my gosh, are you guys alright?" They both nod, "ok thats good what are your names," "Im Kim Su-yeong and this is Kim Yeong-Su." Su-yeong replied pointing at her little brother. "Uh miss," I look at him and he put his head down, "What's wron- oh," poor kid wet himself.

"That's' alright, I might have clothes in your size," I pulled out my ex's boxers, "you like the color green?," I asked smirking

"Su-yeong do you think you can clean your brother?" She nods her head and I show them the rest room. I leaned my back against the door and ran my hands over my head' than a hand burst threw my wall, I seen the bigger monster staring at me. "Protein," it mutters as it grabs me and pulls me through the wall.

"miss. MISS!" I hear Su-yeong shout.

The monster starts to squeeze me. I then punched both sides of his wrist with my knuckles, causing him to let go. He looks at me a smiles, blood dripping from his mouth. He puts his foot up and I grab it.

"Su- Yeong, Yeong-Su su, close your eyes,"

"W-what?" "No. miss!"

"Just close them" I said smiling. I can vaguely see Su-Yeong cover both there eyes. The monster starts to put more pressure and I start to crumble than I saw Myeong Ja-lim with her stroller. The monster puts his foot down next to me.

"Please don't harm the children, or Miss (F/N)."

I start to waver in and out of consciousness as I feel my adrenaline wear off. I take one look at the kids though and I start to crawl towards them, the monsters eyes still studying Ja-lim.

"You can do that, right?" She asked, in a calming manner.

The monster than hit her sending her flying across the hall. I grab the kids and make myself further down the hall I didn't get too close incase the blind monster there. I turn back to hear Myeong yelling 'no' and seeing her stroller get stepped on.

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