Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

    The sun is shining, and the wind is gentle.

    Under the warm sun, the giant axe was held tightly in the palm of the hand, rolling in the air, driving bursts of strong winds, the giant axe smashed through the air, and the wind was mixed with the roar of broken airflow, with a look of contempt, impacting the lean body in front of him. of youth.

    A machete was unsheathed immediately, and the thin silver light was particularly bright under the warm sun. It was not as majestic as a giant axe, but it carried a unique long flow of water.


    锵——" In a matter of seconds, the giant axe and the machete collided several times. The two sides came and went, and no one could do anything to the other. lament.

    The giant axe whistled and swung it out again, the eyes of the person pierced by the cold and piercing pains, and the onlookers closed their eyes subconsciously, unable to bear to see the thin young man die.

    However, he jumped up quickly, put his feet on the back of the axe quickly, turned over beautifully in the air, and stood upright behind the opponent.

    After the sound of "锵——", there was no sound of the sharp blade cutting through the skin, but the dust was flying in the air, and the sight was obstructed.

    When people opened their eyes again, they saw the blade of the giant axe sinking deeply into the ground. Pulled it out, but it didn't move because it was too deep.

    The lean young man had a firm face, the rhythm of his breathing did not change, he stood there straight, his right arm was raised, and the machete was placed on the neck of the strong man, ready to kill him at any time.

    He Liao inadvertently raised the corners of his lips, revealing a smile exactly like his master, "His Royal Highness, can you walk into the palace now?"

    Aguwei turned back and glared at He Liao. There was a gleam of resentment in his eyes.

    However, the person he hated didn't even blink, just looked at him with a smile, as if Aguwei was just a naughty and naughty child.

    Agu's coquettish facial features that were already crowded together were compressed even more, but there was nothing he could do about He Liao.

    If you can't beat it, you won't be afraid to show your identity.

    Aguxu: "..." That

    's outrageous!

    After some activities, Aguwei was also a little out of breath. He turned his head to look at the scimitar on his neck, "Can you take it off?"

    He Liao smiled again, "Of course."

    Aguwei turned around and tried to pull it out. The giant axe, the axe blade made of cold iron, had tiny cracks, which made A Guwei feel distressed.

    He couldn't beat it, he could only keep rolling his eyes to show his anger.

    However, He Liao completely ignored Aguwei's incompetence and fury. He put away his machete and bowed to the carriage again, "Please ask the saint to get off." As the

    bell rang, a slender hand picked up the carriage. From the curtain, a slender figure peeked out from the inside, and the waist was not full, and he walked to support the wind. Although he was wearing a hat, he couldn't see his face, but the voice was melodious and melodious, like a clear spring flowing.

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