Chapter 125

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Chapter 125

    "Bang——" The

    phone slipped from Mother He's hand and fell to pieces on the ground. She seemed to be frozen, staring straight ahead, her eyes were expressionless, and she seemed to be completely emotionless. puppet.

    "What's the matter with you?"

    the woman who was shopping with Mother He asked softly.

    Mother He came back to his senses, and almost whispered, "It was Shuyuan who called, saying that our old He had an accident..." The

    woman's eyes flickered, "What's going on?"

    Mother He had tears in her eyes. Whirling, the whole person trembled uncontrollably, "I don't know either... The book source said that our old He is now in the emergency room for rescue..."

    She almost panicked, and at the moment she was confused, "What should I do now? What should I do..." The

    woman's expression was dark and unclear, she stared at Mother He for a long time before slowly opening her mouth, "Why don't you rush to the hospital now to take a look?"

    "Oh! Yes!" Mother He instantly Suddenly realized, "Look at my brain!"

    She threw all the luxury bags she bought to the woman, and then left the shopping center in a panic.

    Until Mother He's back completely disappeared from view, the woman who was worried about Mother He a few seconds ago suddenly changed her face, her lips raised slightly, and even her eyebrows were stained with a smile, which was extremely ironic. The look on her face made her face twist for a moment, "Idiot."

    Then the woman took out her mobile phone from her bag and made a call.

    "Hello?" A male voice sounded across from him.

    The woman smiled brightly, "I'm sure, that person is right, we will have a place in the He clan sooner or later, and it's time to start."


    "How's it going?"

    Mother He rushed to the hospital in a hurry, grabbing He Shuyuan's arm and outputting, "What the hell is going on, why did your dad suddenly enter the emergency room?"

    He Shuyuan's eyes were dark and unclear, and he didn't know for a while How should I speak, "I..."

    "It's none of my brother's business!" He Tingqin answered first, "My father is sick, and when my father comes out of the operating room, I will punish me no matter what. Willingly."

    "No, it's me, it's all me," He Shuyuan stood in front of He Tingqin. He Tingqin had already confessed his mistake. If he continued to remain silent, after Father He came out of the emergency room, he would definitely Will be the first to take him to the knife.

    The only way at the moment is to stabilize He Tingqin. No matter how angry Father He is, He Tingqin is his biological daughter after all. Before the original He Tingqin child was found, He Tingqin was the only one who inherited the blood of the He family. 's child, even if Father He was so angry that he was going to die, he wouldn't really treat He Tingqin.

    And He Tingqin, who doesn't know much about love at the moment, is the only shield he can use. In any case, in He Tingqin's heart, the image of the elder brother who puts her on the top of his heart must stand. "It's me that pissed off my father, it's none of my sister's business."

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