Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

    Yun Lihan's operation caught the empire by surprise. None of them thought that the person whose mental power had collapsed to the point of being studied as a guinea pig would appear in front of everyone with such a positive image again.

    What frightened them even more was that even the empire did not have the technology to fully control all the optical brains in the entire interstellar space, and it was so easy to hold in Yun Lihan's hands.

    They were afraid of the original Luo Qianchen's 3S mental power, and now they are even more afraid of Yun Lihan's elusive means. After seeing such a live broadcast, the royal family and nobles of the empire could not help but tremble in their hearts, lest they It is the next target that Yun Lihan will use for surgery.

    It is different from the anger and jealousy of the empire and nobles towards Yun Lihan's slap in the face.

    Ordinary people are more cheering and jumping for joy.

    They were very dissatisfied with the inhumane rule of the empire, but there was a natural moat between the commoners and the nobles, and it was a gap that could not be bridged at all.

    Even if someone finds something wrong, they alone can't compete with the behemoth of the empire.

    But at this moment, Yun Lihan's speech made them see another possibility.

    There was an idea in their hearts that made them feel incredible: maybe they could completely get rid of the control of the empire, and be able to live upright, fair and just in this world.

    It is an ideal country where there is no oppression, no exploitation, no racial discrimination, and no blood pressure. As long as you put in practice and work hard, you can live in peace and stability.

    When they saw the evidence posted by Yun Lihan, the shocking information, the bloody corpses, the dark detention, the cold and dignified operating room, let the original still hold The ordinary people who could afford to just get by was completely outraged.

    Tens of millions of ordinary people, with their families and their families, rushed in the direction of Sirius and Venus in spaceships.

    Originally, the top executives of the empire didn't care, but it was the defection of some ordinary people. In their opinion, these were just ants-like characters. If they escaped, they would escape, and it would not cause much impact.

    However, to their surprise, in just a few days, the industry in their hands has been greatly affected. The ordinary people, who were inconspicuous in their eyes, brought them extinction after the strike. the blow.

    Those people who originally lived on Venus and Sirius posted their lives on the star network at the moment. That kind of equal way of life has prompted more ordinary people from other planets to set out here.

    What's more, Venus is a planet abandoned by the empire. It is located in a remote place. Even if it is a military ship, it will take a month or two to go to the central star.

    As for the three planets not far from the Venus, even if they were not completely abandoned like Venus, they were forgotten by the nobles and the empire.

    And there is no army organization on their planet. Once they face the infestation of the Zerg, they will have no resistance.

    After a brief thought, the ruler of the planet went to Yun Lihan for the first time.

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