Chapter 115

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Chapter 115

    As soon as He Wanyue said it was the village chief's contact dealer, a hurricane blew up outside the house, and a surging cold current spurted out, followed by countless "crackling" sounds.

    The only warm sun was covered by dark clouds, and the dark silk sashes shot straight down from the sky. The bean-sized raindrops hit the ground like drum beats, splashing circles of ripples.

    "Yeah! It's raining, hurry up and put away your clothes!"

    "Dazhu, go and call your brother back..."

    The voices of other people in the village sounded outside the yard, and all of a sudden, the three eyes of the Zhao family were still awake. His eyes lit up in an instant.


    Zhao Yongyuan twisted his body frantically, trying to make a sound to be heard by people outside.

    But it is a pity that even if he endured the pain and kept hitting the wall with his body, stomping his feet on the ground hard, or even roaring hard from his throat, it would be of no avail.

    The pouring rain took away all the sounds in this hall, and the Zhao family had completely become turtles in the urn at this moment, and could only be slaughtered by Yun Lihan.

    The cold wind was blowing, and the clothes on the Zhao family were soaked by Yun Lihan with cold water.

    Li Meihua kept winking at He Wanyue, wishing to blink dozens of times in a second, Yun Lihan wondered if Li Meihua had an eye disease.

    Leng Youyou's voice came along with the cold wind, "If you don't want your eyes anymore, I can make them blind."

    " Well—"

    Li Meihua's body seemed to have been pressed the pause button, stiff. Not moving, a whimpering voice came out, and a pair of eyes were full of prayers.

    Zhao Xiaohua sneered, she came over and kicked Li Meihua's chest, Li Meihua was grinning in pain, but Zhao Xiaohua smiled brightly, with a kind of joy that was dripping with the rain, "Don't work blindly, Zhao Jinbao is now in the hands of the eldest brother, He Wanyue could not disregard Zhao Jinbao's life to ask for help."

    "Ugh!!" Li Meihua glared at Zhao Xiaohua fiercely, her resentment turned into raging anger burning in her eyes, then His eyes were stuck in Zhao Xiaohua's heart like a poisoned knife.

    Zhao Xiaohua got up and walked over to close the door of the main room, cutting off the whistling air-conditioning and completely cutting off the possibility of the Zhao family asking for help.

    "Brother, I want to beat this old woman."

    Yun Lihan shook his head indifferently, "You can do whatever you want."

    It's better to be angry than to hold it back.

    Zhao Xiaohua nodded, picked up the half of the stool leg that was broken before, and walked to Li Meihua step by step.

    In Li Meihua's terrified eyes, she said slowly, "Old woman, haven't you always liked to hit me? Isn't hitting someone nice? I've endured it for so many years, and it's time for you to experience it!

    " Quickly, the sound of clubs hitting the skin/flesh, and the painful moans/groans came from the corner.

    He Wanyue couldn't help shivering because of the suppressed pain. She didn't dare to look back at all, lest the legs of the stool in Zhao Xiaohua's hand would swing on her body.

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