Chapter 133

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Chapter 133

    Such a familiar and unfamiliar face, strange and twisted, her mouth was opened as wide as possible, revealing sharp fangs that flashed with cold light, and there were still vague remnants of those fangs that she had just gnawed on. Meat and blood eaten.

    A thick black smoke emanated from the insect's body, and it continued to spread to the entire kitchen. The black smoke was mixed with countless small insects. If you look closely, all the insects have a Wanxiao on their heads. Shino's face.

    The black fog dissipated, as if countless unjust souls, with an indescribable, chilling breath sprayed on everyone's ears.

    The crowd finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the fear that had been suppressed in their hearts for more than ten years suddenly erupted, and bursts of screams of collapse sounded in the crowd.

    Wrapped in such a terrifying breath, their legs were weak, and they were shivering as they snuggled together tightly.

    Panic dissipated in the crowd, and despair was thoroughly laid out.

    "Wan Xiaoxiao... It's Wan Xiaoxiao who is here for revenge..."

    "Help... don't come here..."

    "It's not me... It's nothing to do with me, don't come to me."

    "Li Xin! It's all Li Xin.'s her, she let you hurt, we can't do anything about it, we can only listen to her words, you go to her, you go to her!"


    When faced with fear, people will subconsciously Set a target, hope that target will pull all the hatred away, and look forward to being able to survive in this sporadic gap.

    What's more, everything was planned by Li Xin at the beginning, and they were only forced to participate because of Li Xin's family background and majesty.

    Even if Wan Xiaoxiao really came to take revenge, they were only a participant. Even if they were guilty, they would not die.

    In this way, they can feel everything that is happening in front of them, and they can no longer regard it as a prank. Therefore, in order to survive, the secrets that have been hidden for ten years are completely revealed.

    Faced with such a dangerous situation, they will no longer care whether they will be suppressed by Li Xin and his company in the future.

    The group of people were almost scared out of their minds, and they talked about everything ten years ago. They only hoped that the bug could focus on Li Xin and let them go for the time being.

    However, no matter how fearful they were in their hearts, the diffused black mist never let them go.

    Those tiny bugs gradually got into the crowd along with the black mist, and each of them was covered with the mucus of the big bug.

    The mucus gradually fell on the top of everyone's heads and on their bare skin.

    "What is this, it's disgusting!" A girl who loves cleanliness is full of disgust. She reaches out and wipes the mucus on her face, trying to wipe off the thing that makes her feel extremely disgusting, but she never thinks about the reason. Following her movement, a trace of the mucus that was slowly flowing down her forehead entered her eyes.

    "Ah—it hurts! It hurts! How can it be so painful! Help—"

    "What the hell is this!!"

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